The PYMNTS Stock Index saw, on balance, more of a push toward positive momentum than negative. The biggest movers included Blackhawk Network Holdings, which gained 7 percent on the week, though no company-specific headlines hit the wires. There could be some sanguine views, however, of how consumer spending may hold up as fall approaches and the all-important holiday shopping season (and eGifting season) starts to shape up.
ACI Worldwide gathered more than 3 percent on the week, as the company had an announcement that cheered investors. The firm said it was debuting any-to-any payments, in real-time fashion, toward the end of the month, with connectivity to the SWIFT network.
As for losing issues, First Data was among the three firms tracked by PYMNTS that showed some declines, with impact coming from SEC charges against hedge fund manager Leon Cooperman, whose Omega Advisors counts the stock among its largest holdings.