
Kasisto Bumps Up Conversational AI

In the chatbot space, there are a myriad of companies developing new ways to seamlessly integrate bots or virtual assistants into customer service interactions. One of the industries that may be moving ahead of the others is the financial space, where there have recently been some smart partnerships.

At the Bank Innovation Conference this week, bots and artificial intelligence company Kasisto unveiled an extension of its conversational AI platform, dubbed KAI Insights. With this new add-on, the AI for smart bots and virtual assistants in the financial institutions space will be enhanced significantly.

Now that KAI Banking’s platform is utilizing both KAI Insights and Conversation, the company will have the capability not only to process banking data for customers’ financial predictions, but also to provide sound guidance.

KAI Insights allows any uncategorized data to be continually enhanced and leveraged with high quality data to obtain a better understanding of bank customers. It’s through this unique pinpoint knowledge that the system can develop a tailored and non-robotic response.
Through this new addition to Kasisto’s portfolio, the company’s now better suited to quickly respond to today’s instant gratification-seeking customer. Kasisto’s Co-Founder and CEO Zor Gorelov commented to Finextra about this new company development and the importance of smartly analyzed data for contextual conversational customer service purposes.
“We have significant traction in the market and valuable experience under our belt deploying KAI at various financial institutions. With this production experience, we’ve learned that often there is a need to augment banking data to fully unleash the benefits and power of our conversational platform. That’s why it is so important to have Insights and Conversation working hand-in-hand. The heavy lifting that Insights does with the data is really what makes the conversation intelligent, and ultimately a more personal and meaningful banking experience,” Gorelov said.