The rewards program serves up unique offers and information tailored specifically to surprise and delight the recipient. There’s a sign-up reward of $3 off any order, valid for two weeks after joining the program, plus rewards for referring friends. As the NoodlesREWARDS app learns the customer’s preferences, it will pitch surprise offers personalized just for them.
Customers participating in the rewards program can scan their app at the point of sale, open their NoodlesREWARDS app and scan a receipt later, or enter a receipt code online to apply points to their loyalty account. Orders placed through the app will automatically add points to the account.
“Over the last year, a great amount of time went into evaluating and testing several reward models to develop a first-class program that would appeal to all our guests,” says Jonathan Tress, vice president of marketing at Noodles & Company. “The result of those efforts is NoodlesREWARDS, which was solely created to better connect with our guests and reward them for their continued loyalty and love for all things Noodles.”