Google’s Tips For A Swift Online Shopping Experience


This clip illustrates the very often-frustrating experience of the checkout process at online shops. With holiday shopping in full swing, Google decided to enlist British comedians to explain to retailers just how frustrating their online shop can be and give some pointers on how to change it.

Problem #1: Distracting Landing Pages

Google points to retailers who put “obstacles” in the way of the customer’s path to buying what they really want. You should not be offered ten different products when all you want to buy is a jar of olives, they explain. “Always make sure your landing pages meet your users expectations. Be sure your ad text leads visitors to a page that matches what was featured in the ad,” Google advances.

Problem #2: Complicated Search Pages

Google points to the too-often problem of looking for one product and finding a million products in the search results. Products should be labeled and categorized in a way that is easy for shoppers to find what they are looking for, Google advises.

Problem #3: Lengthy Checkout Process

This problem, illustrated in the first video is one of the most common causes for a customer leaving an online shop. A long and too complex checkout process will make customers leave your site, especially on mobile platforms. The checkout process should be swift and should present the customer with the right mix of security and simplicity.

To watch Google’s two remaining videos and read the full list of tips to achieve a swift online shopping experience click here.