Growing Strong: The Theme Of Early 2019

Growing Strong: The Theme Of Early 2019

While worries about the domestic and global economies loom large, the story on the Street in early 2019 is mostly about growing forward, instead of shrinking back. Firms like Airbnb are signing on more users in more places. Square is building up its revenue and active users. Even historically slow spaces, like B2B payments, are showing some signs of picking up the pace. Because the race goes to the swift in an increasing number of verticals, and consumers are impatient for progress.


15 million: The number of active monthly users Square reported in Q4 2018.

5 million: The number of Airbnb listings worldwide.

2.9 million: The number of tourists who have used Airbnb in South Korea in 2018.

51 percent: Share of merchants using Square that qualify as large sellers.

15 percent: Share of U.S. B2B sales expected to be handled over digital channels by 2021.