California-based Local Motion thinks it can change the face of fleet management by leveraging the sharing economy against the problems fleet managers face.
By applying the “Uber mindset” to the principles of fleet management, Stanford graduate schools students John Stanfield and Clement Gires developed Local Motion.
“The aim of the company is to make transportation more efficient, to make every vehicle more sharable, and to make sharing a vehicle as convenient as if you had your own car,” Neil Zeller, Local Motion’s Senior Vice President of Business Development told Government Technology.
Local Motion transforms ordinary fleet vehicle into shareable vehicles in less than an hour. By installing of a proprietary “black box” and some other modifications, employees’ key card become synchable with the system.
From then on, those cards become universal keys and access tools for fleet vehicles. An employee looking for a care one with a green LED light-after that it is a matter of tap and drive.
“We basically turn your fleet into a keyless operation,” Zeller said. “We’re applying technology, not inventing technology.”
Apart from making systems keyless, it also makes it easy for managers to control accounts and limit the time, place and manner of acceptable payments, as well as authorizing different users for different tasks.
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