Radiometer Converts 51 Percent Of Customers To E-Billing In 6 Months

Provider of acute care testing equipment Radiometer America announced earlier this week that through the innovation of Billtrust, it was able to convert 51 percent of its customers to e-billing in just six months.

Billtrust offers outsourced billing services, and has a print billing and mailing network in addition to its broad array of electronic billing and payment capabilities. According to a company press release, more than 17 percent of Radiometer’s accounts switched to electronic invoicing and payment in the first month. By May 2014, that number had grown to over 51 percent.

Radiometer America’s Collections Manager Dan Herchick instituted the switch, and said in the release that the goal for the first year was to have 60 percent of customers make the switch. Herchick said that now his company expects to easily surpass that.

“Not only have our printing and postage costs gone down, but our DSO numbers have dropped as well,” Herchick said. “With electronic delivery, everyone on the customer side has online access to invoices. We no longer have to wait for a paper invoice to make its way through the system.”

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