Visa Invests In Digital Transaction Management Company

DocuSign, a digital transaction management firm, announced earlier this week that Visa, Inc. made a strategic investment in the company. According to a DocuSign statement, the goal of the two companies is to help customers prepare, execute and manage digital transactions and integrate payments safely and securely.

Visa, Inc. President Ryan McInerney explained in a statement that Visa and and DocuSign have a common goal to help consumers and organizations transact business in confidence.

“Our mutual objective is to eliminate paper-based transactions,” he said. “For Visa, the competition is cash, for DocuSign it is paper. Visa is proud to invest and support DocuSign as it creates a digital standard that will help everyone transact business more conveniently, quickly and securely around the world.”

DocuSign’s website states that its Digital Transaction Management (DTM) system is an emerging category of secure cloud-based software and services designed to digitally manage end-to-end business-critical transactions involving people, documents, and data inside and outside of the firewall.

Cloud-based software and e-invoicing are becoming more popular options for B2B firms. recently discussed a report that predicts the global e-Invoicing market will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 23.3 percent through 2018.

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