B2B eCommerce

CORT On Using Mobile, Visual Purchasing To Solve B2B Event Payments Friction The “B2B eCommerce Report,” a collaboration between PYMNTS and American Express, highlights how online purchasing is reshaping the B2B procurement space and how innovative vendors are advancing eCommerce offerings to sate the needs of modern corporate buyers.
Inside the February Report
  • An interview with Lilian Shen, director of marketing at B2B furniture and decor rental company CORT Events, on how B2B event suppliers can use mobile channels and robust digital tools to better transact with planners
  • Recent headlines from the space, including Znode’s new service integrations that allow it to sell to distributor and manufacturer clients and how Alibaba is adapting to better support North American B2B vendors
  • An in-depth examination of how B2B sellers can securely transition to eCommerce and prevent online fraud without inserting frictions into customers’ experiences

B2B and Digital Payments