In an actual restaurant, waiting one hour for a meal is only acceptable in a Michelin-starred eatery or if plenty of appetizers help pass the time. However, diners in New York City and Dallas might be happy to wait one hour for their lunches and dinners – if Amazon can make good on its promise to get them there in time.
Amazon announced Tuesday (May 17) that it was launching one-hour restaurant delivery service in both NYC and Dallas. While the former service is limited to Manhattan at the start, hundreds of restaurants are signed on to the express delivery program in both cities. Gus Lopez, general manager of Amazon Restaurants, touted the expected success of the one-hour push as a natural result of the enthusiasm Prime members have already shown for its other meal delivery options.
“Amazon Prime members [in Dallas and Manhattan] have already experienced the convenience of ultra-fast delivery through Prime Now,” Lopez said in a statement. “And now, we are making it even better by adding free delivery from hundreds of local restaurants.”
Amazon took the time and space to reiterate what might be the one selling point that differentiates it from the glut of express meal delivery platforms trying to gain a foothold in the market today. Aside from Prime membership fees, users of its one-hour delivery service don’t pay any added charges for the privilege of meals straight to their doorsteps. Amazon also said that food on the platform would not be marked up over actual in-store prices — and if an error occurs, diners get their money back.
“Amazon Restaurants’ commitment to fast delivery and great customer service made it an easy choice when looking at which delivery provider we could trust with our customers and pizzas,” said Pete Garcia, general manager of NYC’s John’s of Bleecker Street.
Time will tell whether time-crunched diners in NYC and Dallas agree.