Amazon will show the business names and addresses of merchants on their seller profile pages beginning at the start of September, according to an announcement.
The eCommerce retailer said merchants can provide further information regarding their companies “and products that you think would be helpful to customers.” However, it advised merchants to not include an email address.
Amazon said it has made a number of avenues for merchants to provide additional details about their companies with functions such as handmade maker profile pages, brand owner pages and the seller profile page. Those functions allow shoppers to learn about a merchant and the merchandise that they sell.
“We are making this change to ensure there is a consistent baseline of seller information to help customers make informed shopping decisions,” the company said.
In mid-June, Amazon, along with Maison Valentino, the high-end luxury brand, sued a merchant, claiming the firm sold counterfeit items. The suit was filed against Kaitlyn Pan Group LLC, as well as a New York resident, for purportedly counterfeiting Garavani Rockstud shoes and selling them on Amazon in addition to its own website.
Later that month, Amazon rolled out a Counterfeit Crimes Unit that it seeks to utilize to fight against fake listings on its shopping website. The eCommerce retailer said it has stopped 2.5 million potential bad actors accounts prior to the time they could provide one item for sale. It had invested more than $500 million and over 8,000 staffers to combat challenges such as counterfeit products and fraud in 2019.
In June, news also surfaced that Amazon could encounter European Union (EU) charges regarding its treatment of third-party merchants. The antitrust regulator of the block, The European Commission, has been creating a case against the company and distributing a draft of the charges for a number of months per unnamed sources in a report at the time.