
Apple Wants Developers To Share Banking Info For App Store Connect

Developers using Apple’s App Store Connect will soon have to provide additional information related to banking.

That will apply to people like account holders and to those in admin and finance roles. These users will now be able to provide a valid address in the Agreements, Tax and Banking section.

Users will also have to update that data by October 22 of this year or else face a possible disruption of their payments.

“Due to changes in local regulations, the bank account holder’s address is now required if you have bank account information in App Store Connect,” the company said, accord to a report from 9to5Mac.

Those who need to do so can edit their information. Starting on the home page, users can click on the Agreements, Tax, and Banking. From there, users click on Banking from the top navigation, selecting the name of the account one wants to edit, then editing the desired fields. Once done, the user just clicks on “Save.”

Apple has recently also been under scrutiny over its reported plans to scan messages children receive in order to weed out explicit messages or child pornography. There were over 90 organizations that sent a letter to Apple demanding it nix the initiative and everything connected with it, citing concerns with freedom of speech.

Read More: Apple’s Scan Plans Prompt Organizations’ Requests To Stop

“Though these capabilities are intended to protect children and to reduce the spread of child sexual abuse material, we are concerned that they will be used to censor protected speech, threaten the privacy and security of people around the world, and have disastrous consequences for many children,” the letter indicated.

Apple, in response, has said it plans to address privacy concerns and has released a document showing why the company’s software is complex enough to do away with the concerns.

Apple has modified the plan in recent weeks, saying it plans to only flag those images which have been identified as being worthy of monitoring by officials in several countries.

Related: Apple Under Fire, Tweaks Plan For Flagging Child Porn