Mario Monti is Senator for life of the Italian Republic, President of Istituto Javotte Bocconi and honorary President of the Institute for European Policy-Making at Bocconi University, having been President of the same university from 1994 to 2022. He was Prime Minister of Italy (2011-2013), heading a government of national unity, which overcame Italy’s sovereign debt crisis and launched structural reforms. Monti had previously served for ten years as Member of the European Commission, in the capacity of Commissioner for the Single Market (1995-1999) and then for Competition (1999-2004). He has been member of several advisory commissions in Italy (e.g. Monti Commission on banking and financial reform, Italian Treasury, 1982), the UK (Roll Committee, 2003), and France (Attali Commission on economic growth in France, 2007). In 2020-2021 he chaired the Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development, convened by WHO/Europe, and he is currently member of the Lancet Commission on 21st-Century Global Health Threats. At the EU level, he has been the author of A New Strategy for the Single Market (2010), and the Chairman of a High-level Group created by the european institutions that released the report Future Financing of the EU (2017). Monti has been the founding chairman of IGIER, established at Bocconi with CEPR and NBER (1990), and of Bruegel, the European think-tank based in Brussels (2005).