Security & Fraud

Security & Fraud
FBI: More Than $12 Billion Lost to Online Fraud in 2023
April 08, 2024

American consumers and business owners lost a record $12.5 billion last year to online scammers, marking a 22% spike in cybercrime over 2022, according to the FBI.    Despite these losses, the FBI’s newly released annual internet crime report indicates Americans are growing more vigilant. The agency...

Security & Fraud
3DS 2.0 Demands More Attention as Fraud Defense From Issuers and Merchants
April 08, 2024

Dewald Nolte, chief strategy officer at Entersekt, said 3-D Secure (3DS), the security protocol that was refreshed seven years ago, is an essential tool in fighting fraud. At a high level, 3DS is designed to act as an equivalent to EMV chips and PIN cards, he...

Security & Fraud
AT&T Breach Demands Vigilance as Fraudsters Leverage ID Data, Says Intellicheck’s Lewis
April 02, 2024

The fallout from the massive data breach at AT&T — where information tied to 73 million current and former account holders was leaked — has yet to be felt. And changing passwords is a start, but by no means will it solve the problem. Bryan...

Security & Fraud
FTC Can Now Sue Scammers Impersonating Government Agencies, Businesses
April 01, 2024

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) said Monday (April 1) that it now has stronger tools to combat scammers who impersonate government agencies and businesses. A new rule that took effect Monday allows the agency to file federal court cases seeking to recover money for victims of scams...

Security & Fraud
OpenAI Recommends Phaseout of Voice-Based Authentication While Previewing Text-to-Speech Model
March 29, 2024

OpenAI suggested Friday (March 29) that voice-based authentication for accessing bank accounts and other sensitive information should be phased out.  The company said this while announcing in a blog post that it has developed and previewed but not widely released an artificial intelligence (AI) model that...

Security & Fraud
Rising Fraud Casts Shadow Over Voice Commerce Potential
March 29, 2024

The proliferation of voice-activated technology, from virtual shopping assistants to speech recognition in smartphones and smart homes, is reshaping how consumers interact with devices. Advancements in this field are continually expanding the possibilities of what voice technology can achieve. For instance, assistive voice technology, like the one developed...

Security & Fraud
US Pledges $10 Million Reward in Hunt for UnitedHealth Hackers
March 28, 2024

Last month, a hacker group known as ALPHV BlackCat attacked the U.S. healthcare system. Now, the federal government is offering a $10 million reward to help identify the people behind the organization. “The ALPHV BlackCat ransomware-as-a-service group compromised computer networks of critical infrastructure sectors in the United...

Security & Fraud
Rise of Synthetic IDs Demands New Approaches to Identity at the Point of Onboarding  
March 27, 2024

The synthetic ID — the online identity concocted through bits and pieces of information gleaned from far-flung sources, cobbled together by fraudsters — is wreaking havoc. TransUnion found in its latest State of Omnichannel Fraud report that 13.5% of transactions associated with online account creation —...

Security & Fraud
Treasury Report Finds ‘Significant’ Gaps in AI Fraud Prevention
March 27, 2024

Larger financial institutions have an edge over smaller ones in AI-related fraud prevention. That’s according to a new report from the U.S. Treasury on dealing with artificial intelligence (AI)-centered risks in the financial sector. “As more firms deploy AI, a gap exists in the data available to financial institutions for...