Security & Fraud

Security & Fraud
Banks Combine AI and Communication to Combat the Rising Threat of Payment Fraud
October 16, 2023

With the rise of digital transactions and online services, fraud has become an increasing concern for both consumers and businesses. In March 2023, for example, 11% of consumers who paid for groceries encountered payment fraud, marking an 88% increase since December 2021. This is one...

Security & Fraud
FTC Says Social Media Most Common Contact Method for Scams
October 06, 2023

Reported losses from scams originating on social media have reached $2.7 billion since 2021. That total has surpassed the losses associated with any other contact method, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) said in a Friday (Oct. 6) press release. Social media enables scammers to manufacture a fake persona or hack...

Security & Fraud
Lawmakers Raise Concerns Over Social Media’s Deepfake Problem
October 05, 2023

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) can digitally create nearly everything and anything. And that is becoming a problem. One of the world’s most popular YouTubers, MrBeast, and America’s dad, Tom Hanks, are separately speaking out against the illicit use of their synthetic likenesses in new deepfake...

Security & Fraud
Form3: AI and Risk Scoring Help Stop Push Payment Fraud ‘in Its Tracks’
October 03, 2023

With the Sibos 2023 financial services conference in the rearview mirror, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and blockchain in active discussion, and the FedNow® Service in the news, Form3 CEO Michael Mueller observed to Karen Webster: “Payments are still an exciting growth business, despite the...

Security & Fraud
Visa Teams With Expel to Tackle $10.5 Trillion Cybercrime Threat
October 02, 2023

Visa has teamed with security firm Expel to help customers guard themselves against cybercrime. The partnership, announced Monday (Oct. 2), is aimed at helping businesses address the rising cost of cybercrime, which is expected to reach $10.5 trillion on a global scale by 2025, according to Cybersecurity Ventures....

Security & Fraud
Universities Tap Digital Tools to Overcome ‘Connected Campus’ Security Concerns
September 28, 2023

Automation is predicted to become the centerpiece of the campus of the future, transforming various aspects of university life. As detailed in the “The Automated Campus: Enabling the Future of Higher Education,” a collaboration between PYMNTS Intelligence and American Express, higher education has evolved significantly from...

Security & Fraud
Cyberdefenses Must Keep Improving to Stay Ahead of Fraudsters
September 26, 2023

As attractive as innovative new technologies appear, it’s important to remember they are just tools.  And any tool, when in the wrong hands, can also be used for the wrong purposes.  “Newer technologies are enabling fraudsters to have a lot more scale and automation when...

Security & Fraud
SEC Charges Podcaster Matthew Motil in Alleged Ponzi Scheme
September 25, 2023

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has taken legal action against Matthew Motil, the host of “The Cash Flow King” podcast, for allegedly defrauding investors in an $11 million Ponzi scheme. Motil is accused of raising funds from over 50 investors through the sale of promissory notes...

Security & Fraud
Singapore’s Banks Increase Customer Scrutiny After Money Laundering Scandal
September 24, 2023

Singapore’s banks are reportedly increasing customer scrutiny following a $1.8 billion money laundering scandal. As the Financial Times (FT) reported Saturday (Sept. 23), this added oversight is being applied to customers from a number of countries — China among them — with lenders also stepping up...