PYMNTS’ latest research shows that most bill-paying consumers in the United States face challenges in the bill payment process. In the last 90 days, more than half faced at least one pain point, such as a lack of payment options or security concerns. “The One-Stop...
As the inflationary vice tightens, more Americans are making partial bill payments or skipping some months altogether. This was among the findings in “The One-Stop Bill Pay Playbook,” a PYMNTS and Mastercard collaboration based on survey findings from 2,140 U.S. consumers, which examined how cash-strapped...
When times get tough, overstretched consumers must sometimes make hard decisions about which bills to pay first — and which ones to leave unpaid. Although it is well known that the importance of affected services is a critical differentiator in this decision-making process, another factor has...
The ability to use previously stored credentials to make seamless payments has changed modern commerce: Our research found that 80% of consumers have saved their payment information via merchant websites, apps or digital wallets. Shoppers want a frictionless checkout experience, and most of them trust...
Every month, the typical United States bill-payer must track and pay a staggering number of bills, dealing with numerous accounts and billers, each with varying due dates and payment process requirements. This scattershot approach to bill payments has been the status quo for many years,...
Young consumers expect everything faster. — Millennials outdistanced baby boomers for the first time in 2020 as the age group buying the most new cars, accounting for 32% of new car purchases. Sixty-eight percent of consumers under the age of 30 anticipated buying or leasing...
75% of car buyers favor brands that offer rewards, with a similar percentage (74%) favoring digital payments. In the latest edition of the "Expanding Payments Choice Playbook Series," PYMNTS examines the critical role digital rewards and incentives now play in facilitating a true end-to-end digital...
Auto companies and dealers can no longer depend on direct customer interactions in the showroom to build rapport and keep customers interested. Digital is already dominant, accounting for 72% of automotive customer interactions, and that percentage is expected to grow. At the same time, 75%...
A survey of companies across Latin and North America found that more than half paid regulatory fines or otherwise suffered financially in the past year due to unmitigated compliance risks. Between fines and fraud, which 71% reported experiencing issues with, respondents saw average profit losses...