Bank Regulation

Bank Regulation
Reserve Bank Of India Modifies Penalties For Regulatory Non-Compliance
January 13, 2020

In order to enhance and ensure security and safety for all stakeholders — including, most critically, customers — the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) last Friday modified the penalties for payment system operators who do not follow regulatory requirements. India’s payment system landscape has experienced...

Bank Regulation
Wells’ Growth Reportedly Hampered By Old Systems, Tech Failures
January 12, 2020

Wells Fargo is striving to revamp its approach to technology to ensure systems stay online, satisfy regulators and block cybercriminals, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported on Saturday (Jan. 11). Following the 2016 incident of bogus accounts, regulators have been watching the bank closely and...

Bank Regulation
Is Turkey Ready For Open Banking Ahead Of Its EU Counterparts?
January 06, 2020

On Jan. 3, 2020, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) went into effect, ushering in the strongest consumer data protections in the U.S. With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the revised Payments Services Directive (PSD2) humming along in Europe, open banking is overtaking...

Bank Regulation
Central Bank To Tighten Regulatory Focus On Jamaican Payment Systems
January 06, 2020

The Central Bank of Jamaica (BOJ) has confirmed it will abide by the Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMIs). Regionally operated payment systems in Jamaica will consequently be regulated more closely. Any kind of financial company operating in Jamaica that facilitates financial transactions — including...

Bank Regulation
UK Regulator Looks To Expand Open Banking Beyond Banking
December 18, 2019

In the U.K., Open Banking could be expanded soon to allow for data sharing between a much larger range of finance companies, according to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Open Banking allows bank customers to share their financial data with other people and companies. In...

Bank Regulation
BIS Looks For ‘Prudential’ Crypto Rules
December 17, 2019

The Basel Committee has said in a paper that a “prudential” regulatory framework should be constructed by stakeholders in a bid to address concerns over risks to the financial system. In a paper titled “Designing a Prudential Treatment for Cryptoassets,” the Basel Committee on Banking...

Bank Regulation
UK Banking Investigations Rise 16 Pct YOY
December 15, 2019

Probes into financial institutions in the U.K. are up for the first time since 2015 due in part to an increase in both white-collar and money laundering crimes, the Financial Times reported Sunday (Dec. 15). The latest data shows regulators have ordered 51 “skilled persons’...

Bank Regulation
Deutsche Bank Settles AML Scandal For $16M
December 06, 2019

Deutsche Bank has settled a case with Frankfurt prosecutors that involved a raid on its offices and resulted in a huge hit on earnings and stock value over suspected money laundering, according to a report by Bloomberg.  The fine is a relatively small one at...

Bank Regulation
UK Regulators Call For Backup Plans Following Bank IT Glitches
December 05, 2019

U.K. regulators on Thursday (Dec. 5) called on banks and payment firms to set “impact tolerances” for important services after numerous IT failures last year, Reuters reported. A glitch at TSB in April of 2018 left thousands of customers locked out of their accounts, with...