Buy Now Pay Later

Buy Now Pay Later
Using Payments To Keep Workwear Affordable For The Essential Workforce
April 29, 2020

Buy now, pay later (BNPL) solutions are well on their way to challenging credit cards as younger consumers’ deferred payment method of choice. Millennials carry two fewer credit cards than their Generation X counterparts, for example, and are the single-largest demographic group using BNPL solutions....

Buy Now Pay Later
Afterpay Customer Base Increases 283 Pct From Same Quarter Last Year
April 14, 2020

Afterpay’s third-quarter results show that its buy now, pay later (BNPL) online payment method continues to attract consumers. Its number of U.S. customers surged to 4.4 million (a 283 percent increase from the same quarter last year). Afterpay’s model allows customers to pay for items...

Buy Now Pay Later
Deep Dive: Buy Now, Exercise Now, Pay Later
April 07, 2020

Exercise can help individuals maintain both their physical and mental health, and there are myriad options available for fitness beginners and enthusiasts alike. These range from extreme sports events like Spartan Races and triathlons to high-end luxury classes like SoulCycle — or simply having a bench...

Buy Now Pay Later
Afterpay CEO On The Obstacles And Opportunities Growing Into The U.S. Market
April 07, 2020

While installment loan products were not quite unheard of in the U.S. five or six years ago, they were quite rare. At that time, the U.S. market for retail credit was largely occupied by store-branded cards and revolving credit accounts. But as millennials’ and Gen Z...

Buy Now Pay Later
Financial Crisis Spurs New Way To Pay For A New Generation
April 06, 2020

With an idea born from the ashes of the global financial meltdown of 2008, the founders of “buy now, pay later” success story Afterpay understood then that a “…younger generation would be more apt to buy things they wanted and needed if they could use...

Buy Now Pay Later
How Yogo’s BNPL Offerings Cater To Younger Consumers’ Shopping Preferences
April 06, 2020

The COVID-19 outbreak and resulting social distancing mandates are driving gyms to close and citizens to take their exercise indoors. But with unemployment skyrocketing, financing options for workout equipment can go a long way in reducing the burden on consumers’ wallets. In this month’s Buy...

Buy Now Pay Later
Installment Payments Push Sports-Equipment Sales Over The Finish Line
April 03, 2020

Buy now, pay later (BNPL) solutions are more popular than ever, allowing consumers to avoid paying at the point of purchase and instead doing so in increments over several weeks. BNPL solutions are the fastest-growing online payment methods in the United States as well as...

Buy Now Pay Later
Afterpay Fined By CA Regulator For Unlicensed Loans
March 17, 2020

Australian startup Afterpay is settling with the California Department of Business Oversight (DBO) over allegations that the buy now, pay later (BNPL) firm was offering illegal loans in the state. The DBO said it is requiring Afterpay to offer its service under a finance lender’s...

Buy Now Pay Later
Alt-Credit Apps Ride The ‘BNPL’ Wave
March 10, 2020

Peer-to-peer (P2P) instant money apps and real-time payments (RTP) are the most exciting developments in getting paid in decades, and alternative credit is having the same effect on borrowing. This week we look at the rising phenomenon of alternative credit which revived the dormant “layaway”...