
Burning Man: Silicon Valley’s Hottest Perk?
August 31, 2019

As Labor Day 2019 rolls in, the residents of the Eastern shore of Florida are gearing up for what is increasingly looking to be a catastrophic storm in Hurricane Dorian. The nearly universal consensus is that the storm will bring a deluge of water and...

Can Trust Fuel B2B Sharing Economy Growth?
August 27, 2019

As the sharing economy continues to grow – and continues to take on new challenges – the concept of work and commerce spaces keeps evolving, thanks in large part to the growth of the digital economy. That’s a mouthful, to be sure. Long story short:...

Trade Wars Could Cost Each US Consumer $900 This Holiday Season
August 12, 2019

All wars have casualties. And the casualties linger after the clashes stop. This will likely be the case as the U.S./China trade war continues, and after it eventually ends. A new round of tariffs from the President Donald Trump administration gets set to bow next...

Global Trade Wars Spark Innovation For Trade Payments
July 25, 2019

Today’s exercise in intentional payments- and commerce-related understatement: International trade is not for the faint of heart. Sure, the import and export of goods is ancient practice, but that doesn’t make it any easier, even if such a vital economic activity is going digital. Funds...

Why Digital Platforms Will Be The Bridge To The Omnichannel Future 
July 16, 2019

When people talk about omnichannel as a concept, they are usually referring to the classic retail use case: The customer buys something online and then goes and picks it up at the store, or the consumer picks it up in the store but initiates the...

Are Consumers Ready For Chatbot Customer Service?
July 12, 2019

For better or worse, call centers are often retailers’ public face. Customer service can make a stronger impression on consumers than other factors like price, selection or location. Increasingly, call centers are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) for an assist. According to the latest Call...

Apple’s App Store Hits $39B In Revenue For 2019
July 03, 2019

Although Apple’s App Store continues to outpace the Google Play Store when it comes to consumer spending, total app revenue for both stores reached $39.7 billion worldwide, according to reports. That number represents the first half of the year, and it’s an increase of 15.4...

Seniors Help Drive Progress In The Digital Economy
July 01, 2019

Younger consumers — millennials, Generation Z — seem to get all the focus when it comes to eCommerce and digital payments these days. But older citizens are still out there, shopping, buying and paying, and they are getting attention from businesses, too — and that consumer segment,...

Mary Meeker Offers Digital Views For 2019 And Beyond
June 12, 2019

Digital payments continue to be fueled by the growth of such areas as ridesharing and wearable technology, as well as the images used by various web platforms to further engage consumers in eCommerce – and interactive online games. Those are among the findings in Mary...