In the Land of the Rising Sun, where tradition meets technology, Japan is navigating a digital crossroads. Despite pioneering 3G technology and boasting a vibrant mobile culture, the nation finds itself grappling with a curious paradox: While at the forefront of technological innovation, its digital...
As the largest economy in the European Union, Germany surprisingly ranks near the bottom in digital engagement among the 11 countries studied in PYMNTS Intelligence’s “How the World Does Digital” report, which analyzes the digital behaviors of over 817 million consumers across countries such as...
Famed for its vibrant tulips and ubiquitous bicycles, the Netherlands is proving innovation isn’t limited to pedal power. This nation, boasting the world’s largest flower export industry and more bicycles than people, is now pedaling toward digital transformation. As the fifth-largest EU economy by GDP,...
There’s no shortage of images that come to mind when the subject is Australia. Most of them are outdoors, like the vast outback and iconic Table Mountain, any number of unique forms of wildlife and the world’s largest marine ecosystem in the Great Barrier Reef....
Tencent Cloud and PlaysOut have unveiled a collaboration on embedded services for super apps. PlaysOut, a global gaming technology company, will leverage the Tencent Cloud Mini Program Platform (TCMPP) to lead the development of content ecosystems for global super apps, the companies said in a...
The Connected Economy (CE) 100 Stock Index was launched in February 2022. It was introduced as an equity index of 100 publicly traded companies across 11 categories, aiming to track the digital transformation and the growth of the connected economy. At the time, though we were...
Visa has teamed with WireX to promote the use of digital currencies in Europe and the UK. “This collaboration will explore new opportunities to leverage and integrate innovative Visa cards and reduce friction in payment experiences,” the companies said in a news release Monday (July...
Earnings season is in full swing, as big banks – specifically, JPMorgan and Citigroup – helped sway the fortunes of the CE 100 Index. The Index was up 1.3% for the week, as the bank earnings detailed relative strength in consumer spending, though company management...
Driven by widespread access to high-speed broadband and advanced mobile networks, the U.K. boasts a population deeply engaged with the digital world. From video streaming taking the top spot to online banking, mobile gaming, messaging and social media following closely behind, the U.K. thrives in...