
Stocks, Real Estate Drive US Household Wealth to Record High
March 09, 2018

Thanks in part to surging stocks and increasing property values, the wealth of people living in the U.S. increased in the fourth quarter of 2017. According to a report in The Wall Street Journal citing Federal Reserve data, household net worth rose more than $2 trillion in...

 Inflation: The Roughest Word For Markets
February 14, 2018

It’s not a four-letter word, but a nine-letter word and it has a bit of shock effect anyway — particularly for investments: inflation. All eyes are currently on inflation in the U.S., which has been long-dormant, benign and perhaps even forgotten about as a factor in the markets....

All Economies Around The Globe Growing At Same Time
January 29, 2018

Ten years after the world was embroiled in a widespread economic crisis, every one of the world’s major economies are growing at the same time. According to a report in CNBC, the growing economies around the world are creating more jobs and improving the fortunes...

December Jobs Report Falls Short
January 05, 2018

The U.S. labor market slowed a bit more than economists expected in December, with a noted slip in retail employment. Reuters reported that payrolls were up by 148,000 positions, a significant slowdown from the 252,000 gain seen in the previous month. That missed estimates of...

US Jobs Report Shows Continued Gains, Beats Expectations
December 08, 2017

The latest jobs report from the Labor Department shows that 228,000 jobs were added in the United States in November, beating the roughly 195,000 positions expected by economists. The unemployment rate was unchanged at 4.1 percent, as measured month over month. And, according to news...

Q3 US GDP Rises Despite Hurricanes
October 27, 2017

Through ill winds — literally — the U.S. economy managed to grow significantly in the third quarter, as measured by gross domestic product (GDP). According to news from The Wall Street Journal and via data by the Commerce Department, GDP was up 3 percent on an annual basis...

Slowing Growth Marks August Jobs Data
September 04, 2017

The pace of job growth in the United States slowed a bit in August, decelerating from a prior two months’ worth of heady gains. But as Reuters reported, even with the slowdown, the Federal Reserve still is likely on track to start winding down the...

Private Sector Hiring Increases By 237,000 Jobs In August
August 31, 2017

Jobs growth came in strong in August, with the U.S. private sector hiring more than 237,000 employees during the month. According to a report in Reuters, it marks the largest monthly jump in employment numbers in the past five years and came in higher than economists’...

New Car Sales Are Hurting The Value Of Used Cars
August 22, 2017

With car sales in the U.S. increasing for seven straight years, it is having a negative impact on used car values. According to a report in Bloomberg, citing data  from Black Book, the auto analytics company,  the average used car saw 17 percent of the...