
GDP Growth Slows Markedly — And Possibly Temporarily — In 1Q
April 28, 2017

Slow going, at least for now. The U.S. economy showed growth, albeit muted, in the first quarter of 2017. And in fact, the latest numbers out from the government show that growth has lagged to its slowest pace in three years. Gross domestic product grew...

Here’s How Your Tax Day Stacks Up
April 18, 2017

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Tax season, that is. And today is IRS Christmas. Curious to know how your taxes stacked up? While we won’t know about 2016’s filings until next year, IRS preliminary data from 2015’s filings (what you submitted in 2016)...

(Anti) Protectionism Language Lost At G20
March 21, 2017

America First as trade policy is here, or looming, as language lost by the G20 debuts, conspicuous by its absence. Might payments suffer in the wake of truncated free trade?

US Economy Shows Steady Growth
February 17, 2017

While there’s been plenty of national news that is causing many Americans a great deal of stress, there is some good news to hold onto — the economy is showing continued growth in everything from consumer spending and job growth to manufacturing. The New York...

Real Estate: Where Wall Street Runs South
January 26, 2017

The global financial industry is setting its sights on real estate south of Wall Street — way down south. Bloomberg reports that firms as far-flung geographically as Germany (Deutsche Bank) and Australia (Macquarie) have been bringing jobs to Florida, with some local hiring, in stark...

Glacial Pace For SMB Job Creation?
January 23, 2017

There’s the perception that, with low unemployment, job creation has been on a tear in the United States among small businesses. Then there’s the reality. The Wall Street Journal reports that the median small business has been adding new employees at a glacial pace, with...

Eight People Have As Much Wealth As The Poorest Half Of The Global Population
January 17, 2017

Eight individuals, all of which are men, have as much wealth as the poorest half of the population around the globe, according to Oxfam, the international charitable organization. According to Reuters, Oxfam issued a report Monday (Jan. 16), as the rich meet at this week’s World...

More Americans Say They Will Die Debt-Free
January 14, 2017

Debt is something of a strange topic for Americans. For all but the most well-capitalized early in life, the ability to borrow funds is critical — at least if one wants to get a college degree, own a car or a buy house. When used wisely, tools...

PACE Loans Starting To Look Like Pre-Crisis Subprime
January 12, 2017

They say that history does not repeat itself, but in the case of lending, it sure does seem to rhyme. Forbes said Wednesday (Jan. 11) that a type of loan, titled the Property Assessed Clean Energy loan, or PACE for short, is among the relatively...