Freelancers worldwide found themselves impacted by the new coronavirus as it shuttered businesses and stalled payments, with many gig workers now fulfilling critical roles to keep society moving as consumers retreat inside of their homes. Food delivery and Uber drivers, for example, are among those...
Gig economy workers, despite being included in the federal stimulus for economic recovery from the coronavirus, now face uncertainty over how they’ll get any of the money from government agencies, according to a Reuters report. Gig workers, including those who work for companies like Uber,...
Executives at delivery FinTech Gojek have pledged to give 25 percent of their salaries over the next year to merchants, drivers and partners as their income has been reduced from the coronavirus pandemic, according to a report by Bloomberg. The company is also shifting planned...
U.K.-based FinTechs have banded together to help self-employed workers prove their income so they can be eligible for financial support, according to a report. The founder of FinTech 11:FS proposed that open banking technology could be used to certify lost income, and the founders of...
A gig worker in one country trying to get payment from a client in another country doesn’t sound difficult, until you actually try it. Cross-border payments and the gig economy intersect in more ways every day, and if international freelancers are keen on one topic,...
Most companies now operate at global or multimarket scales, offering their products to clients and customers around the globe via digital channels. Employment is following this trend, with gathering workers at a single office location becoming more old-fashioned by the minute. Communication channels have expanded to...
Attracting gig workers in a hot industry requires giving them on-demand payments. In fact, one survey finds that 85 percent of gig workers would take on more jobs if they were paid faster. In our latest Gig Economy Tracker, CEO Luke Marklin of moving platform...
The gig economy is rapidly becoming more attractive to more professionals worldwide: 68 percent of all gig workers joined this economy in the last five years, for example. These workers appreciate the flexibility ad hoc work brings to their schedules, but the less structured nature...
The headlines state that we are in uncertain, and in some ways, unprecedented times. The Federal Reserve has slashed rates to zero. Quantitative easing is now in place. Governments are making a concerted effort to stop the coronavirus contagion that threatens daily life and daily...