
Rebuilding Healthcare Payments on a Foundation of Wellness, Access and Affordability
July 05, 2022

There are lots of stories of medical school students and grads who chose to apply their medical knowledge to business fields. It’s rare — only about 10% do this — but those handful blaze trails of innovation that’s made managing runaway healthcare costs easier for all. One...

‘Antiquated’ Medical Supply Sector Ripe for Post-COVID Digital Shift
July 05, 2022

Medical supplies — a market that, by some estimates, will do over $300 billion in U.S. sales in 2022 — is the lucrative land that digital forgot, and venture capitalists (VCs) appear to agree. That’s a serious vote of confidence at a time when VCs...

The Data Point: 16% of Youthful Gen Zers Use Telehealth, Leading All Age Groups
July 01, 2022

The telehealth wave rolls on with no end in sight after a pandemic kickstart moved the video triage technology center stage for patients needing to confer with physicians remotely. For The Connected Economy™: The Trend Toward Digital Healthcare, a PYMNTS report with research sponsored by...

Walgreens Looks to Healthcare and Digital for Growth
June 30, 2022

With COVID-19 vaccinations and urgent care visits dropping through spring as infection fears faded, Big Pharmacy is looking to get back on track with expansion plans, a recovery in prescriptions and sales of wellness products, and more access to primary care via growing networks of...

eHealth Startups Making Moves Across Africa
June 27, 2022

Telemedicine, telehealth, ePharmacy. The way the world accesses healthcare has been transformed by digital technologies which are helping connect patients and health professionals in novel ways. In Africa, the digital transformation in healthcare has typically been motivated by a need to deliver medical services to...

Digital Therapeutics Get Cash Injections as Next-Gen Telehealth Takes Shape
June 17, 2022

The promising but fragmented health-tech space keeps innovating into cohesiveness as new concepts and therapeutics close the telehealth and treatment gap for patients and doctors. With digital transformation quickly gaining momentum in a healthcare system that’s been slow to change, the Tuesday (June 14) announcement...

Oracle Joins Push for Nationwide Database of Health Records
June 16, 2022

Connected healthcare is putting all the pieces together in 2022 by placing interoperability at the center of transformation efforts, particularly in the electronic health records (EHR) space. Work is happening across several fronts from data to devices, moving to radically revamp a healthcare system exposed...

Telehealth’s Next Frontier: Delivering Digital Therapeutics
June 14, 2022

Seeking to push telehealth to its next frontier of treating illness remotely via digital means, industry group the Digital Therapeutics Alliance (DTA) is forming a coalition to evaluate new technologies vital to the expansion of digital therapies worldwide. DTA announced in a Tuesday (June 14)...

From Roblox to RPM, New Reimbursement Rules Spur Telehealth Innovations
June 13, 2022

As the pandemic goes endemic, telehealth is changing too as providers deal with video visit limitations by adding connected digital devices and heavy up on remote patient monitoring (RPM) and the emerging field of digital therapeutics, focusing on remote intervention. These are needed next steps...