The smart-home tech market is booming. In 2020, it was almost a 100-billion industry — and it’s expected that in 2028 it will increase its value by a factor of five. Two of the main frictions that prevent this market from developing faster are the...
Consumers are getting more connected by the day. According to the latest edition of the PYMNTS/Visa How We will Pay survey, 32.6 percent of Americans own smart speakers, 52.7 percent own smart televisions and 30 percent own a connected car. And they’re using those connections...
China’s Tencent is looking to build its own city, called Net City, including corporate offices, apartments and a school on a 21-million-square-foot development the size of midtown Manhattan, The Wall Street Journal reported. Jonathan Ward, design partner for project architect NBBJ, said the idea is...
The global pandemic stunted progress in many nascent companies and industries. Internet of Things (IoT) projects, for example, like the installation of a 5G mobile infrastructure that fully enables IoT functionality, might also have been deprioritized as world economies tanked. Instead, there’s a rapidly growing...
Experts think that far from a bad economy slowing down smart-city investments, the need to prepare for the next crisis will promote even faster infrastructure upgrades. In the latest Intelligence of Things Tracker, Michael Lotfy, senior vice president of smart-buildings solutions for global electrical-technology company...
There is scarcely an aspect of life that has not been thoroughly disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The crisis has also dramatically exposed the degree to which consumers, employers and workers are relying on connected technology to carry on, whether through video conferencing, telemedicine or...
The rise of the machines seems a bit closer at hand now that we are battling the pandemic. Not the humanoids that are the stuff of science fiction that ostensibly, one day, will do our bidding (and, depending on who you read, perhaps conspire against...
The house (or the apartment or the studio or your parents’ basement) is increasingly becoming a focal point of daily life. Time, then, to picture the house as a bit more like home. As PYMNTS found in one recent study, “Navigating The COVID-19 Pandemic: The...
The Chinese and American governments are engaged in another proxy war. Nothing new there. But for all the saber rattling, this time it’s not about battleships and fighter planes. What we’ve got now is a tech war over super high-speed data networks, more specifically, whose...