Mobile Wallets

Mobile Wallets
More Than a Quarter of US Consumers Use More Than One Mobile Wallet
July 25, 2023

Different mobile wallets may serve distinct purposes for the small but significant share of consumers who rely on them. The majority of mobile wallet users stick with the same carrier. However, as noted in proprietary research prepared for the PYMNTS collaboration with ACI Worldwide, “Digital...

Mobile Wallets
ACI Says Digital Wallets Help Consumers Find Certainty In Everyday Spend Decisions
July 05, 2023

Digital payment innovations have grown over the last few years. “The pandemic did a good job of teaching all of us that there’s many more ways to pay than just using some of the more legacy methods like cash or even debit cards,” Tom Donovan,...

Mobile Wallets
Mobile Wallet Use Is Poised for Permanence and Grew From Pandemic Behavioral Changes
June 27, 2023

The next installment of PYMNTS’ mini-series based around consumer behavior that began during the pandemic focuses on mobile wallets. Certain consumer preferences that are now part of everyday life only gained widespread popularity after the pandemic hit. Mobile wallets, for example, had been gaining popularity,...

Mobile Wallets
60% of Consumers Use Digital Wallets for Bill Payments
June 26, 2023

Consumers are increasingly adopting mobile wallets to remove friction from payments. For PYMNTS’ study “Digital Bill Payments: Frequent Mobile Wallet Bill Pay Users the Most Satisfied,”created in collaboration with ACI Worldwide, we asked more than 2,100 consumers about their digital wallet experiences of the past year...

Mobile Wallets
Mobile Wallets Emerge as Bill Pay Power Tool
June 21, 2023

Mobile wallets provide convenience and speed, and consumers are using them to pay bills, even though kinks still need to be ironed out. Such cash flow management solutions are in high demand during the almost-recession of the past 18 months, and mobile wallets are proving...

Mobile Wallets
Can Mobile Wallet Bill Pay Dethrone Legacy Methods?
June 16, 2023

Mobile wallets are a popular way to pay bills. As of Q1 2023, 60% of consumers had used a mobile wallet to pay bills in the previous 12 months. Mobile wallet providers largely meet consumers’ needs, with 89% of mobile wallet bill pay users saying...

Mobile Wallets
80% of Millennials Use Mobile Wallets to Pay Bills
June 05, 2023

Just as bills have primarily moved from mailed paper to digital, bill pay has become more digital, fueled by consumers’ adoption of mobile wallets. PYMNTS’ research found that 95% of mobile wallet users know the bill pay features mobile wallets offer, and nearly one-quarter of...

Mobile Wallets
60% of APAC Online Shoppers Bail at Checkout Without Local Payments Options
May 18, 2023

The Asia-Pacific region is poised to become a major area of growth for U.S. and U.K. merchants in the next three years, especially for specialty eTailers like Victoria’s Secret, Adidas and Sephora, which focus on a specific retail sector. And omnichannel retailers, direct-to-consumer (D2C) merchants, and online marketplaces are...

Mobile Wallets
AWS and Stripe: Merchants Can Do More to Encourage Stored Payment Credentials Online
May 08, 2023

Stored payment credentials are a driving force in eCommerce, and while most consumers are using stored credentials in some way, research shows that there’s an opportunity to further increase adoption of stored credentials if security is kept at the forefront. Discussing the study “How We...