
Samsung Pay Goes Online With Visa Checkout
March 30, 2017

“Evolutionary, not revolutionary.” That’s been the typical reaction to just about every smartphone release of the last several years, reflecting, more or less, new features of the hardware itself: bigger screens, better cameras, longer battery life. Which means regardless of the ultimate fate of Samsung’s newest...

Say Hello To Call Commerce
March 30, 2017

There are a bunch of people who’ve reinvented the phone - but not a single one that’s actually reinvented the phone call. Alan Truitt, chief business development officer for Teleperformance has a plan to do that, starting with the 34 billion calls a year that...

The Mobile Wallets Results Are In, And They’re…Underwhelming
March 16, 2017

When Apple’s mobile wallet, Apple Pay, launched 2.5 years ago, the conventional wisdom was that the plastic card was about to be as dead as the flip phone, killed by the same disruptive culprit — the smartphone. That drum beat only got louder a year...

What You Didn’t Know You Didn’t Know About Millennials
March 04, 2017

Millennials as a generation are probably the most speculated and talked-about generation in human history. A reality that is not entirely unwarranted. There are 75.4 million of them, making the cohort born between 1981 and 2004 the largest living generation of Americans. They are also...

Bridging The Divide: How To Bring Consumers And Merchants Together On Mobile Payments
March 03, 2017

Mobile payments get a lot of attention — just not exactly from the right sources. They have been studied endlessly, invested in heavily, written about extensively and anticipated widely for at least the better part of the last decade. But despite all the industry enthusiasm,...

MasterCard’s Payments Pair-Up With Oracle (And Other Big MWC News)
February 27, 2017

In 1987 Groupe Spéciale Mobile Association (GSMA) launched the its first international conference and exhibition for mobile technology. The event was reportedly small and very nichey – and mobile technology in 1987 was pretty nascent. Flash forward 30 years – and that little trade group...

The Big Banks Have Officially Released Zelle Into The Wild To Take On Venmo
February 23, 2017

The hype around P2P payments has been fairly turned up over the last few years, and the upcoming battle between big bank-backed Zelle and PayPal property Venmo has certainly gotten quite a bit of attention on these pages and many others. But, curiously enough, when...

Samsung Refreshes Image With New Galaxy S8 Smartphone
February 13, 2017

Eager to move on from its disastrous 2016 with the Galaxy Note 7’s now infamous recall, it’s no surprise Samsung is planning to up its game this year. After losing $5 billion and slipping from the number one smartphone spot down to number five in...

Apple’s In-Store Story, Android Pay Goes Wearable And Samsung Open For Business In Thailand
February 09, 2017

As mobile payments continue their race into the mainstream, land grab expansion seems to have become the name of the game. Summed up in a single word, the theme of the week in mobile was “more” for many of the major mobile movers — more...