Cross Border Commerce

Cross Border Commerce
Volvo Aims To Ease X-Border Vehicle Leasing Pain
March 09, 2018

One million international students come to the U.S. to study each year, and those who want to buy a car get a lesson in cross-border payments friction. Payments are often made with cash and, upon graduation, their parents must sell the vehicle from halfway across...

Cross Border Commerce
Why Less Can Be More In Winning The Global Payments Game
March 08, 2018

Going global is no longer a nice-to-have for online merchants; it really is a must for those who hope to grow their brand and remain competitive in the eCommerce space. As is so often the case, merchants must follow their customers’ lead – and customers...

Cross Border Commerce
NEW REPORT: Volvo Gives X-Border Car Leasing A Tune-Up
March 08, 2018

As roughly one million international students visit the U.S. for higher education opportunities each year, many parents end up getting an unexpected crash course in cross-border car shopping. A slew of recent cross-border payment developments indicates that it’s time for various groups and markets to...

Cross Border Commerce
How Lobster Wholesalers Keep Cross-Border Cash Flowing
February 16, 2018

China is crazy for crustaceans: The country imports more than $100M worth of them from the U.S. each year. But with the growing appetite and booming business has come cross-border receivables pain. In the latest X-Border Receivables Report, Stephanie Nadeau, owner of The Lobster Company,...

Cross Border Commerce
Ripple, Saudi Arabia Central Bank Launch Pilot
February 15, 2018

Ripple, the blockchain payments technology company, announced Wednesday (Feb. 14) that it has inked a deal with the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA), enabling banks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to work with its cross-border payments technology. In a press release, Ripple said it...

Cross Border Commerce
For Cross-Border Receivables, Lobster Wholesalers Tighten Claws
February 15, 2018

A culinary luxury is facing increased demand in new, farther-flung markets, creating the need for efficiency and flexibility in cross-border receivables infrastructure. Meanwhile, from eCommerce to financial services, to healthcare and education, new payment solutions are introducing a series of disruptions to the cross-border payment...

Cross Border Commerce
UAE Exchange Partners With Ripple
February 12, 2018

UAE Exchange, one of the largest payment providers in the Middle East, announced that it has signed a deal with Ripple to join its blockchain for cross-border payments. UAE, which is based in Abu Dhabi, will now become a member of RippleNet, a decentralized global...

Cross Border Commerce
Flywire: Why Going Global Requires A Local Focus
February 01, 2018

“People always say, ‘Think global, be local,’ but very few understand how big a challenge that is,” Flywire’s Head of Operations for Southeast Asia Andrew Ong told PYMNTS’ Karen Webster in a recent conversation about the opening of Flywire’s new, expanded Asia-Pacific (APAC) regional hub...

Cross Border Commerce
Cross-Border Payments, Sans Friction    
January 29, 2018

Money changing hands internationally is a process that carries with it all sorts of speed bumps, especially amid regulatory scrutiny.  Payments can be made smoother and easier with the aid of APIs, as Cambridge Global Payments Chief Commercial Officer Amil Sawrup, tells PYMNTS Karen Webster...