Faster Payments

Faster Payments
Faster Payments Poised to Drive Faster Growth for Small Businesses
May 22, 2024

Small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) can suffer the most from big delays in getting paid. With the news that the U.S. securities market will be converting to a T+1 standard settlement cycle Tuesday (May 28), faster payments are increasingly top of mind as well for Main Street SMBs looking for not just speed,...

Faster Payments
Where Instant Payments Is Headed — and Why
May 22, 2024

Amid the hype about the FedNow® Service approaching its one-year mark, instant payments may finally be settling down into more grounded territory, specifically, liquidity, competitive advantage and the customer experience. Those factors were top of mind for Ingo Payments CEO Drew Edwards, who told Karen Webster in an interview that the groundswell...

Faster Payments
Fed Surveys Find Lasting Appeal for Faster, Digital Transactions
May 15, 2024

Consumers and businesses — running the gamut of transaction types and across demographics —  are pivoting toward faster and digital payment options.  Overall, as detailed in two reports by Federal Reserve Financial Services, last year saw a 31% increase in digital wallet use by businesses, and a...

Faster Payments
93% of Truck Drivers Want Instant Payments
May 15, 2024

Truck drivers help keep the supply chain functioning, but the turnover rate is high in the industry — a reality that can have ripple effects across the entire U.S. economy. PYMNTS Intelligence’s “Generation Instant: How Truckers Use Instant Payments to Support Their Lifestyles” revealed that...

Faster Payments
JPMorgan Offers Faster Domestic Payments Via Visa Direct 
May 06, 2024

J.P. Morgan and Visa have teamed to offer faster domestic payments via Visa Direct. The collaboration, announced Monday (May 6) is designed to improve merchant experiences and empower cardholders for customers of J.P. Morgan Payments. “With Visa Direct’s extensive reach in the U.S., J.P. Morgan Payments will empower merchants, businesses...

Faster Payments
Brite Expands Instant A2A Payments, Payouts Solutions to Germany
April 24, 2024

Brite Payments now enables instant account-to-account (A2A) payments and payouts in Germany. The Swedish FinTech already offers these Brite Instant Payments in the Nordics, Baltics and Benelux and plans to continue expanding their availability across Europe, Brite Payments said in a Wednesday (April 24) press...

Faster Payments
Lower Costs, Easier Integration Could Boost Instant Ad Hoc Payments
April 22, 2024

The use of ad hoc payments by large enterprises to pay small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) and individuals is on the rise — and exclusive data from PYMNTS Intelligence suggests lower costs and easier integration could be making them even more popular.  Ad hoc payments...

Faster Payments
46% of Instant Payment Skeptics Want Bank Info Hidden
April 16, 2024

Whether it’s employee earnings, Social Security payments, tax refunds, insurance claim payouts, investment distributions or something else, most U.S. consumers now receive some type of disbursement. The number of people getting those funds quickly is increasing. That’s just fine with 77% of consumers who told...

Faster Payments
ServiceUp Adds Expedited Payment Processing to Auto Repair Shop Platform
April 10, 2024

ServiceUp added an expedited payment processing feature to its auto repair shop management platform. The new InstaPay feature ensures that auto repair shops receive their money within 48 hours of completing the repairs, the company said in a Wednesday (April 10) press release. InstaPay is available to...