Faster Payments

Faster Payments
FedNow Closes 2023 With 300-Plus FIs Using Instant Payments Network
December 14, 2023

The Federal Reserve says 331 financial institutions (FIs) are employing the FedNow® Service, its real-time payments system. The service launched in July with 35 participants, and is expected to continue growing in 2024, the central bank said in a Thursday (Dec. 14) news release. “These are still early days...

Faster Payments
Manufacturers Favor Digital Giants Over Banks to Deliver Real-Time Payments
December 07, 2023

The manufacturing sector is undergoing a significant transformation in its payment practices, with a growing emphasis on real-time payments. In fact, instant payments have emerged as the leading method for business-to-business (B2B) transactions in the sector, with over 99% of manufacturers already utilizing real-time payments...

Faster Payments
Millennials Lead in Reimbursements Received as Instant Business Expense Payouts Surge
December 05, 2023

With the advent of digital payments, instant reimbursements have gained popularity, providing employees with convenience and quick access to funds. However, there is still a need for businesses to promote and address concerns regarding instant payment options. In “Generation Instant: Business Expense Reimbursements,” PYMNTS Intelligence...

Faster Payments
Five Months in, FedNow Is ‘Doing What It Was Planned to Do’
December 01, 2023

Five months since the FedNow® Service launched, Miriam Sheril, head of product, U.S. at Form3, told PYMNTS, there are some encouraging signs. Although it is early days, “from my point of view, FedNow is doing exactly what it was planned to do,” said Sheril. She...

Faster Payments
Study Finds More Instant Payment Options Increase Customer Satisfaction
November 28, 2023

Using instant payment methods can streamline the payment process and improve overall customer satisfaction, making consumers 11% more satisfied and nearly double their likelihood to remain as clients when instant payments are free. A PYMNTS Intelligence research study in collaboration with Ingo Money found that...

Faster Payments
UK Government Says Country Needs Open Banking Alternatives to Visa and Mastercard
November 22, 2023

The U.K. risks falling behind other nations unless it can create an alternative to its Faster Payment Service. That’s according to a new government-commissioned review on competitiveness in the country’s payment industry, the focus of a Wednesday (Nov. 22) Financial Times (FT) report. According to the...

Faster Payments
Nearly 9 in 10 Manufacturers See Real-Time Payments a 2024 Priority
November 22, 2023

Real-time B2B payments are transforming industries in which the number of payment transactions is very high — such as the manufacturing sector. According to a recent PYMNTS Intelligence research in collaboration with The Clearing House, virtually all U.S. manufacturing companies used real-time payments last year,...

Faster Payments
Nearly 40% of Gig Economy Ad Hoc Transactions Sent via Instant Payments
November 15, 2023

Although ad hoc payments make up just 24% of accounts payable (AP) volume, they hold significant importance in various industry operations. In fact, these irregular payments, executed outside regular invoicing and payroll processes, are integral to operational efficiency. But despite their importance, ad hoc payments...

Faster Payments
1 in 3 Hospitality Workers Willing to Pay for Instant Tips 
November 10, 2023

As restaurants and others in the hospitality space look for ways to boost retention, PYMNTS Intelligence reveals that instant tip payouts can go a long way — so much so, that many in the industry would even be willing to pay a fee to be...