
B2B Payments
The Scary Success Rate Of Corporate Cyberattacks
November 09, 2016

For some businesses, cybersecurity may be an abstract threat. Business owners may think “it won’t happen to me,” or they may be confident in their ability to remain unaffected by a cyberattack. But a new report by Accenture uncovers just how big of a threat...

B2B Payments
The ePayments Way To Compliance
November 09, 2016

Any organization, small or large, private or public, must handle the pressures of compliance. Nonprofits, however, have to not only ensure they fall in line with corporate-facing regulations around processes like payroll and cross-border payments, but, explains Dan Murphy at nonprofit software firm Abila, the...

Can Banks Build The Economy Of Trust?
November 09, 2016

Consumers have been burned by financial institutions in more ways than one. From data breaches to market crashes, many have lost trust in the traditional financial system’s ability to deliver the security and stability consumers need. But what would it take to change that? Ray...

B2B Payments
Fearing Robots In A Tech-First Accounting Approach
November 09, 2016

Small businesses need accounting processes to be fast. But the most efficient way to achieve accounting acceleration could displace a financial professional out of a job. A new report by B2B software firm Exact says SMEs demand the speed that accounting automation can provide their...

B2B Payments
Bankers Relieved At RBS’ Small Business Payout
November 09, 2016

Royal Bank of Scotland has been in hot water with regulators for years following allegations that the U.K. bank profited by pushing its small business clients into its Global Restructuring Group (GRG), allegedly imposing high fees and often forcing those SMEs into financial ruin. The...

Secure Payments, Generation 2.0
November 09, 2016

We use 2.0 as shorthand to describe the latest and greatest in technology, and with 3D Secure 2.0, the question remains: Is newer always better? In a wide-ranging discussion, Karen Webster, CA Technologies VP of Security James Rendell and Mastercard’s Paul Baker, VP and senior...

B2B Payments
Microsoft Azure Now Hosting SME Alt-Lender
November 09, 2016

An alternative small business lender has now switched its hosting platform to Microsoft Azure in a move the firm says represents its strong growth trajectory. Folk2Folk announced Tuesday (Nov. 8) that it has gone live on Microsoft Azure cloud after being hosted on Rackspace, though...

Mobile Commerce
mVisa’s Mobile Pay Platform Rollout Launched
November 08, 2016

mVisa’s new mobile pay service is enabling 60 million more consumers to make digital payments on their mobile devices through a rollout on the Visa Developer Platform. Visa, Micromax and Transerv announced on Tuesday (Nov. 8) that the service will be launched for all Udio mobile...

Alibaba, Amazon And Others Cautioned Ahead Of Singles’ Day
November 08, 2016

China’s State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) has warned retailers that it will be monitoring sales practices during Singles’ Day (Nov. 11), according to a report by Seeking Alpha. Inspired by Alibaba’s SEC troubles earlier this year, the SAIC plans to closely monitor the site for misrepresented...