
B2B Payments
Here’s Looking At You, Invoice
November 01, 2016

Tipalti has added optical character recognition to its invoice processing module. CEO Chen Amit discusses how automatic extraction of details cuts down on workflows and boosts cash flows.

Security & Fraud
Anti-Fraud ATM Blocks Mobile Phone Scams
November 01, 2016

Hitachi is teaming up with a regional bank in Japan to introduce anti-fraud ATMs. The machines are designed to stop users from being conned into transferring money from their bank accounts at an ATM by preventing transactions from completing if it detects the person is...

Partnerships / Acquisitions
BlackBerry Drives Into Cars
November 01, 2016

BlackBerry has linked with Ford Motor in order to boost, as Reuters reported, the carmaker’s use of the former’s QNX operating system. The pairing serves a dual purpose, said the newswire, as Ford wants to produce cars with a wide variety of automated functions. Elsewhere,...

New York Endures Bitcoin Backlog
November 01, 2016

No doubt, new regulations can cause backlogs, inefficiencies and stalling. This may be the case for New York bitcoin regulation and exchange. In June 2015, Benjamin Lawsky was heading up New York’s Department of Financial Services (DFS), when it developed rules for virtual currency firms...

Mall Investors Getting Ready For Another Blue Christmas
November 01, 2016

The investors who funded the last great expansion in mall commerce — before digital shopping came on the scene and disrupted everything about the way people buy — are on the verge of loosing billions, according to reports in Reuters. About $128 billion in commercial real estate loans...

B2B Payments
Restaurants Gain An Appetite For Cash Flow Tech
November 01, 2016

The restaurant industry is, in many ways, stuck in its own habits. Convincing a restaurant owner to implement technology to automate expense management, bill pay and invoices after years of manual accounting can be a tall order. But this is an industry also challenged by razor-thin...

Vesta: Ghosts In The (Payments) Machine
November 01, 2016

Halloween isn’t over — not by a long shot — in the payments industry. And three big stats tell you why. 30 percent, 65 percent and 4. Vesta CMO Tom Byrnes explained what those scary statistics tied to eCommerce fraud mean in the latest installment...

B2B Payments
Mastercard Wants Developers To Experiment With Blockchain
November 01, 2016

Credit card conglomerate Mastercard has added three new blockchain APIs to its development site that allow developers to use the company’s blockchain technology in an effort to promote experimentation of the tool. Reports Monday (Oct. 31) said Mastercard’s APIs are linked to its internal blockchain platform...

Alternative Finances
Lending Club’s Auto Lending Pivot
November 01, 2016

Trying something new and different is both one of the hallmarks of innovation and a typical option when a company finds that the same old thing just isn’t quite working anymore. With that as a backdrop, it is not at all unusual for Lending Club...