
B2B Payments
Tradeshift Invests In Aussie B2B Trade
October 31, 2016

B2B trade and spend management firm Tradeshift is not only expanding its operations in Australia, but it’s setting up new offices there. The company announced Friday (Oct. 28) that it will open offices in Sydney to focus on serving Australian and New Zealand businesses, banking on the...

Payment Methods
Payments Urban Legends, Both Scary And True
October 31, 2016

We want to make your flesh creep — but in a good way, where you learn something. It is Halloween after all, and PYMNTS had its hackles raised when Karen Webster hosted G2 CEO Allison Guidette and heard her findings on the hidden dangers that lurk...

B2B Payments
US Treasurers Fall Behind On FinTech Investment
October 31, 2016

Treasurers from the largest corporations are more likely to invest in newer financial technologies, found a new report from East & Partners and Contentive Media. Reports released last week said researchers found that, across the globe, treasurers at the largest corporations are investing more in...

The 2016 Presidential Election And Banks’ Next Four Scary Years
October 31, 2016

Lots of people in the U.S. will be sitting on pins and needles awaiting the election results a week from Tuesday. Not bankers, says Karen Webster, who says that they should simply grab a few stiff drinks and call it an early night. Regardless of...

Payment Methods
Mister Rogers’ Payments Neighborhood
October 29, 2016

Forty-nine years ago this month, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood" debuted. Now, we admit, that when most people think of Fred Rogers, they probably don’t think “payments.” But we couldn’t help but draw some comparisons. Won't you come take a tour of the neighborhood?

Data Drivers Series With Tom Byrnes, CMO At Vesta Corporation
October 28, 2016

Join Karen Webster, CEO of MPD and special guest Tom Byrnes, CMO at Vesta Corporation for the PYMNTS Data Drivers Series taking place Monday, October 31, 2016 at 4:00 PM (EST).  This 20 minute live digital show will position interesting topics and exclusive data points from Vesta’s recent research report on...

Why Vancouver Is A Magnet For Tech Talent
October 28, 2016

Vancouver may not be the largest city in Canada, but it packs a mighty startup punch. The city has earned top rankings for its startup ecosystem, passion for green living and supporting a thriving job economy.  In this week’s installment of PYMNTS’ Weekly Tech Center...

US Economy Resilient, But Consumers Give (Rate Hike) Pause?
October 28, 2016

The United States quickened its rate of economic expansion as measured by Gross Domestic Product, and in fact notched its fastest pace in two years. The headline number for third quarter GDP growth stood at 2.9 percent, on an annualized basis, according to data released...

American Apparel Bankruptcy 2.0
October 28, 2016

Here we go again. Recent reports indicate that American Apparel enjoyed filing for bankruptcy so much the first time that it is going to give it another go. Bloomberg is reporting that bankruptcy number two could be coming down the pipe in the next few weeks....