
New IoT BMBR Jacket Unlocks Access To Exclusivity
October 28, 2016

The “wearable” market is taking on a new layer — a jacket, in this case. A new, special Internet of Things jacket unlocks access to cultural events and experiences in New York. In December, New York-based brand Rochambeau is debuting 15 exclusive Bright BMBR jackets powered by...

Supermarkets Not Scanning Well With Millennials
October 28, 2016

Despite the National Retail Federation reporting that grocery stores topped the “hot list” of retailers for the year, supermarkets are having a tricky time luring millennials into bringing a basket or cart down the aisles. This could signal a shift that will permanently leave grocery stores...

The Coming Online Retail Crush — And Can Retail Keep Up?
October 28, 2016

The digital shoppers are coming, the digital shoppers are coming! It may not have quite the kick that the pronouncement about the arrival of the British had during the 1770s, but according to the latest Deloitte annual shopper survey, it does have the advantage of...

data enablers
Data Enablers: Runzheimer, Track Business Mileage From A To B
October 28, 2016

Getting from A to B is all about data and analytics. The transportation element of any business boils down to efficiency and productivity. In terms of mileage, there is a true slew of accounting and management issues: how many miles, how quickly an employee can...

Holiday Sales Expected To Hit $1B, For Multiples Of Twelve Days Of Christmas
October 28, 2016

On the first day of Christmas … sales are expected to exceed $1 billion. And on the second day, third day and so forth. That may be a stretch, but perhaps surprisingly, according to Adobe Digital Insights’ “2016 Digital Insights Shopping Predictions” report, 57 of the 61...

Retailers Ready For Post-Election Holiday Shopping Rush
October 28, 2016

This year’s presidential election may have a major influence over the holiday shopping season. According to the National Retail Federation‘s annual consumer spending survey, shoppers may have a more conservative holiday spending budget as a result of the upcoming election. Consumers expect to spend an average...

India To Leapfrog US As eCommerce Hub?
October 28, 2016

India may hurdle the United States as the world’s second-biggest eCommerce market over the next two decades, research from Worldpay estimates. That shuffling of leading markets will come largely on the tailwinds of demographic shifts, such as India’s population skewing younger (as 70 percent of...

Uber’s Flying Car Idea: Prepared For Liftoff?
October 28, 2016

It’s a bird, plane — or an Uber? Not yet, but just you wait. Uber said it’s exploring the flying car concept. Specifically, it’s looking at the viability of an aircraft that has the capabilities to take off and land vertically within cities. This is all...

Bitcoin Tracker: Easy Access Is ‘Easier’ With ATMS & Gift Cards
October 28, 2016

Is there a run on bitcoin? Before you panic, know that the answer is “certainly not yet.” But after last week’s DDoS attack, there is some increased interest in hoarding them, specifically by banks. Some British banks are allegedly stockpiling bitcoin because they know that...