
Security & Fraud
Digital Security 2016: At The Crossroads Of Biometrics, EMV And Mobility?
October 26, 2016

Between biometrics, EMV and mobile security, it’s been a busy year in Digital Identity. These trending topics have generated plenty of news over the past year and are in rotation again at Money20/20 in Las Vegas. For October’s Digital Identity Tracker™, PYMNTS spoke with Brett...

American Express Doubles Down On Small Merchants For Christmas
October 25, 2016

The official beginning of the holiday season is something of a moving target — particularly in the last two decades. An ever-increasing number of consumers, statistics indicate, are actually most of the way through their holiday shopping already. Whether those people ought to be admired...

Partnerships / Acquisitions
The New York Times Inks $30M Consumer Guide Deal
October 25, 2016

The New York Times announced on Monday (Oct. 24) that it purchased an online product recommendation consumer guide called The Wirecutter for more than $30 million in an all-cash transaction. The five-year-old site was founded by Brian Lam, tech journalist and former editor at Gizmodo...

American Department Stores Down, eCommerce Up
October 25, 2016

The American department store is suffering, and it’s no surprise that there’s a correlation with how well malls in the country are doing as well. As shopping shifts more and more to online, shopping centers and malls have been disappearing from the landscape, along with...

Holiday Sales Expected To Rebound, Health And Beauty Topping List
October 25, 2016

Holiday shopping sales are expected to rebound this year, with more than a 4 percent year-over-year increase. Last year’s growth of 3.6 percent will be outshined this year, which is a welcome bump for may retailers. That’s according to new research from Customer Growth Partners’...

SimplyTapp Launches Gane Mobile Payments App
October 25, 2016

The mobile proximity payments firm SimplyTapp said Monday (Oct. 24) that it has launched Gane, a new app that offers a range of functions, such as instant access to funds and tap-and-pay POS functionality. Gane, available across Android and iOS, also lets users collect and...

Retailers Should Contact Shoppers By Email, Says Study
October 25, 2016

Retailers should take initiative in communicating with shoppers — especially younger ones — by email rather than social media channels, a new report by Bluecore found. The report, titled “How Millennials Actually Want Brands to Engage with Them,” found that, contrary to popular assumptions, which...

Can Saks Win Back The Erstwhile Luxury Shopper With New Boutiques?
October 25, 2016

That luxury goods take a hit during a recession is not much of a surprise. But luxury goods struggling during a recovery? That is perhaps more unexpected. And yet, clearly, it is the situation luxury retailers have been battling for at least the last year....

Security & Fraud
Visa Delivers Tokenization For The Long Tail
October 25, 2016

As commerce continues to get more and more connected, reaching even more devices, one of the biggest challenges at hand is ensuring those payments stay secure. One of the best ways to do this is via tokens. But tokenization isn’t always easy to scale and...