
Security & Fraud
Wanna Crash The Internet? Hackers Are Selling A $7,500 “Canon” To Do Just That
October 24, 2016

As is often the case with cybercrime, the new will likely get worse before it gets better, as it looks like the massive outages last Friday may well just be a taste of things to come — hackers are now selling access to an army of...

Police Nationwide Creating E-Commerce “Safe Zones”
October 24, 2016

While the vast majority of digital transactions completed between two otherwise associated parties on the internet goes off without incident — the times when it goes wrong almost always make the headlines. Stories like that of a Craigslist shopper who found himself shot in the leg...

Mitsubishi UFJ To Test Virtual Currency Rewards For Employees
October 24, 2016

Mitsubishi UFJ announced Friday (Oct. 21) that it is testing the use of virtual currency rewards for employees who reduce their overtime hours and practice a healthy lifestyle. In a press release, the company said the trial, which is being run by MUFJ subsidiary securities, uses...

Banks Banking Bitcoin To Ward Off Hackers
October 24, 2016

After the recent DDoS attack, London’s largest banks say they’re planning to build up an inventory of bitcoin to negotiate and pay off hackers who threaten to pull down their IT systems. Bitcoin is the preferred currency because it cannot be traced and is highly...

Security & Fraud
How Much Did Recent Hacks Cost Retailers?
October 24, 2016

This wasn’t the Black Friday retailers expected. We’re not talking about the venerable day after Thanksgiving — nothing that sunny. We’re talking a bit dark here — as in the internet going dark. Cyberattacks that targeted server farms last week operated by Dyn Inc. took down...

B2B Payments
The Globalization Of Late Payments
October 24, 2016

The U.K. has taken some of the most high-profile actions to combat late B2B payments, but it’s a global problem, as the latest research reveals. PYMNTS explores newly released data from across Europe, Asia-Pacific and Africa that uncovers how SMEs and suppliers manage their cash...

Is UX The Key To Mobile Wallet Breakout?
October 24, 2016

Is user experience key to mobile wallet breakout and checkout conversion? Ask omni players like Apple and Tesla, and you’ll likely get a resounding yes. In October’s Omnicommerce Tracker™, Leo Castro, VP of product marketing and brand for BigCommerce, discusses the challenges of eliminating virtual...

B2B Payments
Hong Kong Regs Keep Pressing For Treasurers
October 24, 2016

Hong Kong is again pushing for more multinational corporate treasurers to call the city home with a new initiative by local regulators. Reports Friday (Oct. 21) said authorities in Hong Kong have launched a campaign to promote mainland China treasurers to establish headquarters in Hong...

B2B Payments
Procure-To-Pay Facing More Market Consolidation
October 24, 2016

Juvo Technologies wants to extend its presence within the procure-to-pay space and announced an acquisition to help it do so. Reports late last week said the technology firm has acquired Vendorin, a B2B payment technology and enterprise solutions company, to help Juvo build out a...