
Luxury Sales ‘Out Of Fashion’ According To New Report
October 21, 2016

Handbags, shoes, watches and designer clothing — season to season, what was in before is now out. And what’s out these days is luxury brands’ sales growth. It’s “so out” that experts say that the holiday season for high-end luxury will likely hit its lowest...

Spain’s FinTech Dark Horse Arrives
October 21, 2016

With a strong penetration of smartphones and mobile commerce, Spain is quickly gaining visibility in the FinTech world, and its capital city is leading the charge. Considered a “dark horse” in FinTech, Madrid is making strides to improve conditions for startups to flourish and boosting...

Payment Methods
Fighting Friction In The On-Demand Economy
October 21, 2016

In the onboarding process, friction is no fiction. To deliver a great digital marketplace experience, the process of getting people into the system — and getting them paid — needs to be as smooth as possible. In the latest Hyperwallet podcast, Tomas Likar, VP of strategy...

Security & Fraud
Hackers Jump In The Political Mix
October 21, 2016

Who says hackers aren’t interested in politics? Though we may never know the political allegiances of hackers, it looks as though many have no problem launching their cybercriminal activities at any political party or figure left unprotected. In this week’s Hacker Tracker, we take a...

Payments Innovation
Visa, Ingo Money Make B2P Payments Instant
October 21, 2016

The world is full of once-brilliant innovations that — despite having been supplanted by an even better innovation — continue to have devotees who insist the 1.0 version was actually superior: Writers who prefer the feel of a typewriter to a computer. Music aficionados who swear that...

Partnerships / Acquisitions
Bank of America Teams Up With ModoPayments
October 21, 2016

Bank of America Merrill Lynch, a player in transaction services, and ModoPayments, a digital payments company, announced Thursday (Oct. 20) a strategic relationship that will give the bank access to Modo’s patented COIN Operated Digital Payments Hub. In a press release, the companies said, through the...

Payment Methods
Ecobank To Roll Out Masterpass QR In 33 African Countries
October 21, 2016

The Ecobank Group announced Thursday (Oct. 20) it has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Mastercard to roll out Masterpass QR, a mobile payment solution, across 33 African countries. This new agreement will give Ecobank the scale and capacity to achieve its 100 million-customer...

Security & Fraud
Box Enhances The Security Aspects Of Its Product
October 21, 2016

The cloud is becoming a standard for companies around the globe, but for industries that deal with a lot of sensitive information, they have to ensure their data is protected. As a result, Box, the online file-sharing and content management company, rolled out Box Governance last...

Lawmakers Ask FTC To Regulate Apps
October 21, 2016

The ranking member of the Antitrust Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee, U.S. Rep. Henry “Hank” Johnson (D-GA), and other lawmakers have called on the Federal Trade Commission to investigate reports of anticompetitive activity in the app marketplace. In a letter to the FTC, Johnson pointed...