
Moving Beyond The Paper Trail
June 21, 2016

B2B firms have been clinging to paper checks as their preferred method of payments, but a Sage white paper discovers widespread misconceptions about the ease, safety and cash flow benefits of embracing electronic payments.

Merchant Innovation
In Favor Of Delivery: The Growing Omnichannel Store-To-Door Ecosystem
June 21, 2016

When it comes to omnichannel execution, the rich keep getting richer. The Q2 2016 OmniReadi Index™ takes a closer look at “omnichannel readiness” — “omnireadi” for short — and, as it turns out, there’s an enormous gap between the merchants who are the most and...

PYMNTS Daily Data Dive: Ethereum’s Hack Impact
June 20, 2016

The hacking of an experimental virtual currency project called the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) has sent a chill into the digital currency ecosystem. More specifically, Ether, a bitcoin-like digital currency alternative. Ether, which is a relatively newer digital currency on the market that runs on the...

Merchant Innovation
How The Reinvention Of Retail Is Helping Oracle Reinvent Itself
June 20, 2016

Back in 2008, Oracle founder and CTO Larry Ellison had one of history’s less insightful comments on the future of cloud computing, something he likened at the time to a fad. A fad he mostly didn’t really get. “The computer industry is the only industry...

Walmart’s Sales Target Indicates A Big Boost Of Confidence
June 20, 2016

Walmart is optimistic about seeing a big leap in sales over the next three years despite intensifying competition. The company expects to see its sales improve by $45 billion to $60 billion over the next three years, said Walmart CEO Doug McMillon at the Consumer Goods Forum...

Online Spend Surging
June 20, 2016

A jump in online sales is building up the momentum for a stronger holiday season, new comScore research has found. “Consumers seem to be back, increasing their buying of products and not just services, such as vacations, restaurants, etc.,” said Gian Fulgoni, comScore’s executive chairman...

Cabela’s Up On The Block And The Bids Are Coming In
June 20, 2016

When rumors of sales and acquisitions start popping up, it’s usually in a given retailer’s best interest to play their cards close to the chest and avoid spooking investors and markets alike. However, there’s only so long gossip like that can be kept under wraps,...

Merchant Innovation
SuperValu Heads Toward Grocery Spin-Off
June 20, 2016

TV spinoffs have plenty of blemishes on their record, with few surviving past their often mercifully short first seasons. The same story also plays out in the retail sphere: When a merchant decides to spin off one of its subsidiaries, they better be sure it...

Mobile Commerce
Emojis Are The Newest Marketing Tool On Twitter
June 20, 2016

A few years ago, Baby Boomers used to complain that texting was degrading the average teen’s language abilities. Now that emojis have burst onto the scene as an entire generation’s de facto mode of digital expression, it’s less about figuring out where they came from...