
Trump’s Mexico Wall To Be Built On Remittances?
April 05, 2016

Fund the Trump Wall by cutting off fund flows to Mexico? Unlikely.

Risk Management
Boston Fed Takes On Cyber Risks, FinTech Competition
April 05, 2016

Federal Reserve Bank of Boston President Eric Rosengren delivered a speech yesterday (April 4) at the bank’s 2016 Cybersecurity Conference highlighting the economic and cyber risks financial institutions are facing today. In his remarks, Rosengren noted that while many of the economic concerns from earlier...

Mobile Commerce
Why Is iPhone Storage Still So Expensive?
April 05, 2016

Since the time of ENIAC-sized mainframes taking up entire gymnasiums, the processing power of the average computer has grown as exponentially as their sizes have shrunk. The number of transistor chips on a single microprocessor has roughly doubled every two years since the ’60s, and the...

Influenster Bags $8M In Series A
April 05, 2016

Having discovered an interest in product discovery, Ebates has ponied up some cash to support a company in that space. TechCrunch reports that the online cash-back service has invested $8 million in Influenster, a product discovery and review platform, in a Series A round of...

The DIY Approach To Retail Data Security
April 05, 2016

Retailers are busy. Can they be expected to take a hands-on approach to every security threat that emerges in the industry? Possibly not. But, as recent instances have proven, the very least that retailers need to do is stay educated about potential risks and the...

Merchant Innovation
Slack’s Surprise Users Move The Firm To Product Discovery
April 05, 2016

As millennials have overtaken the workplace, so too have their preferred ways of communication. And if email was the way their parents gossiped, joked and actually talked about work at work, then Slack is the way they do it now. However, Cofounder and CTO Cal...

Is Postmates Ready To Play In The Big Leagues?
April 05, 2016

Astute observers of payments and commerce will note that the “end of days” watch for the wave of delivery on-demand services that have launched in the last 12 to 18 months has been on for some time. Predictions of doom have actually been rolling in...

Why Boutique Shopping Needs A Marketplace All Its Own
April 05, 2016

The plight of fashion-forward shoppers is nearly universal. Out and about in the world or casually browsing on Pinterest they see the item that is clearly destined to be the centerpiece of all their wardrobe choices for the next months. This shopper is likely female...

Nordstrom Vets See Online Returns As A Cash Cow In Waiting
April 05, 2016

There are few happy with the current state of online orders. It’s an onerous step for consumers obsessed with convenience, and it can be an even more frustrating drain on retailers’ profit margins. However, a new startup from a pair of omnichannel retail veterans has...