
Merchant Innovation
Pop-Up Shops Show The Flexibility Consumers Want
March 31, 2016

A decade ago, Etsy was the only way that some small-scale crafts makers and artisans could participate in the eCommerce world. Now, however, the pop-up shop is quickly enshrining itself as the preferred way for emerging brands to bring their wares quickly and efficiently to market....

Merchant Innovation
Solange Taps BigCommerce For Saint Heron Site Relaunch
March 31, 2016

If Beyoncé and Jay Z ever see their musical careers go in the tank (they won’t), at least now they have their own music streaming service to fall back on for day jobs. On the other hand, Solange — Beyoncé’s sister — has to make her eCommerce venture work...

Hijacking Commerce – One Marketplace At A Time
March 31, 2016

Invisibility is a funny thing, particularly when it comes to retail. Generally speaking, there are all kinds of moving parts in a retail transaction that merchants prefer to remain as invisible as possible — payments, inventory management, shipping logistics — because if consumers can see...

Sephora Puts A Shine On Kik
March 31, 2016

What happens when a cosmetics retailer meets a messaging app? Mutual beauty, the companies hope. As Mobile Commerce Daily shares, Sephora‘s debut on the messaging app Kik means that users can now purchase from the retailer directly within Kik while receiving interactive guidance — tailored to...

eBay Revs Up With Auto Tech Company Acquisition
March 31, 2016

A recent acquisition by eBay indicates that the online marketplace has designs on souping up its offerings in the automotive category. The company announced earlier this week that it has acquired Cargigi, a provider of online advertising and marketing services for the auto industry. With...

The Business Of Unsubscribing
March 31, 2016

How can the average consumer keep track of all the subscription services of which she’s a member but no longer wants to be? Not easily, and that’s a problem that is costing people money. Startups like Truebill — a one-click cancellation service — are aiming...

Restoration Hardware Earnings Hit Hard By Logistics Troubles
March 31, 2016

Another rough earnings run for another name brand retailer, this time with shipping logistics named as the culprit in lower than expected results. Restoration Hardware Holdings Inc. has officially lowered its earnings forecast for the current quarter, with shipping costs and various cost troubles issuing...

Macy’s CEO Terry Lundgren’s Salary Slashed
March 31, 2016

Looks like American Express’ Ken Chenault won’t be the only CEO singing the slashed salary blues this spring, as Macy’s embattled CEO Terry Lundgren seems to be joining him. Reports emerged yesterday that Lundgren is facing an 8.6 percent pay cut this year, dropping his...

China’s Two-Pronged Approach To Mounting Corporate Debt
March 31, 2016

The echoes of China’s economic slowdown have been heard across the globe, but locally, they’re certainly the loudest for Chinese businesses. Analysts have largely been looking at the impact on SMEs in particular, especially as Chinese authorities promote bank lending to small businesses. This month,...