
Merchant Innovation
Tablelist Launches In Manhattan and Vegas
May 12, 2014

Good news for travelers to New York or Sin City–Boston-based service Tablelist is coming to town to bring VIP status at the club to anyone with a credit card, smart phone and the will to party like a rockstar. Tablelist is an Android or iOS...

SEC Issues Second Warning About Investing In Bitcoin
May 12, 2014

More trouble for the seemingly constantly under-siege bitcoin. The Securities and Exchange Commission has once again warned investors away from the digitally backed currency. “A new product, technology, or innovation – such as Bitcoin – has the potential to give rise both to frauds and...

B2B Payments
Chrysler Struggling To Pay Suppliers On Time
May 12, 2014

Due to technical snags with a new software system, Chrysler is struggling to pay suppliers on time. The software program began on January 1st for about 1,500 suppliers. Walldorf, Germany-based SAP, designed the invoice and payment system, PentaSAP. The issues occur when suppliers submit invoices...

B2B Payments
AXP and City Bank Reduce B2B Costs in Bangladesh
May 12, 2014

City Bank with American Express launched an end-to-end payment solution that will reduce the cost of doing business in Bangladesh. The American Express B2B Expense Management Solution will create a cashless transaction system between companies and distributors. Currently, distributors pay for goods bought from a...

LevelUp Spills The Beans on What’s Next
May 10, 2014

The mobile commerce platform LevelUp made news that it has grown its staff by 15 percent, moved into brand new offices in Boston and has big plans for what it wants to do next. If you want in on the scoop (and to watch fun...

Breach Round Up
Social Media Latest To Feel Security Flaw Impact
May 10, 2014

Another week, another discovered security flaw. This week’s flaw, dubbed “Covert Redirect,” allows cyber-attackers to disguise themselves as log-in popups based on an affected site’s domain. Social media sites are among those affected, leaving potentially millions of users at risk of having personal information stolen.

Is NFC Best ‘Suited’ For Business Dress?
May 09, 2014

An Australian tailor reportedly has something up its sleeve: a Near Field Communication chip in so-called “power suits” it’s designing for businessmen. The wearable technology from M.J. Bale reportedly will enable wearers of the suits to chop wherever Visa payWave contactless transactions are accepted, reports...

Alternative Finances
Bitcoin Board Welcomes Two New Members
May 09, 2014

The Bitcoin Foundation has announced the winners of its recent elections to fill two board seats. BTC China CEO Bobby Lee and venture capitalist Brock Pierce both came out in top in the second round of voting among the the organization’s industry members. The voting was particularly close with...

B2B Payments
Bottomline Technologies Acquires Andera
May 09, 2014

Edison Ventures announced Andera Inc. has been acquired by Bottomline Technologies for $44.5 million. CEO Charlie Kroll founded Andera in 2000 as a web development company. Now Andera sells software that allows banking customers to originate and fund new accounts and loans from mobile devices....