
Company Spotlight
MasterCard To Distribute PayAnywhere mPOS
December 18, 2013

PayAnywhere and MasterCard have announced a new partnership that will see MasterCard distribute a branded, co-branded or white-label solution of PayAnywhere’s mPOS solutions to help small business owners (SMBs) reduce friction at the checkout, a December 19 press release revealed. As part of the deal,...

Company Profile
4 Signs Your Fraud Protection Needs An Omnichannel Upgrade
December 17, 2013

The payments industry lost more than $11 billion to fraud in 2012, and that figure is only expected to rise as fraud migrates to less secure channels in the wake of EMV adoption in the U.S. But the figure that we don’t know, the far...

Meet Wisely: The Google Of Payments
December 16, 2013

In the near future, business owners may be able to look at digital maps of the economy, visual layouts that feature not only streets and landmarks, but up-to-date pockets of spending that can be used to identify areas where a certain restaurant or retail location...

RBS Citizens Shares Secret To Innovation
December 13, 2013

Todd Doherty, vice president of consumer lending operations at RBS Citizens, had a problem on his hands: His project management team and his operations team were functioning in silos, costs were overrunning, delivery times were delayed and deadlines were missed. Combined, these problems were bad,...

How Social Motives Can Unlock Spending
December 13, 2013

St. Louis-based cafe chain Panera Bread turned more than a few heads when it revealed in 2010 that it would launch an unconventional non-profit restaurant chain called Panera Cares. These locations would do something unprecedented in the corporate world: allow consumers to set the price...

Alternative Finances
9 Mobile Money Markets
December 13, 2013

As part of our 2013 12 Days of Christmas series, we thought it would be fun to assess the process of emerging economies from the standpoint of mobile. Our North Star is Bloomberg, who ranked its top 20 emerging markets earlier this year, evaluating GDP...

Company Spotlight
Who’s Falling Behind In MPOS
December 12, 2013

The mobile point-of-sale (mPOS) market is steadily moving toward an omnichannel experience that is as much about tablets as handsets, and businesses that don’t adapt face the risk of falling behind. That’s the latest from ROAM CEO Ken Paull who spoke with Market Platform Dynamics...

Merchant Innovation
12 Retailers Innovating With Mobile
December 09, 2013

“Mobile blurs the on and offline worlds, making it possible for everything with a physical component to have an online component … Having the ability to communicate with consumers in real time during their shopping journey is something that merchants have never been able to...

Will Tech Giants Disrupt Banking?
December 06, 2013

“Some bankers and analysts think that Google, Facebook, Amazon or the like will not fully enter a highly regulated, low-margin business such as banking. I disagree. What is more, I think banks that are not prepared for such new competitors face certain death.” This statement,...