Payment Methods

B2B Payments
WEX Has Canada In Its Cards
May 23, 2014

Fleet card provider WEX plans to take it fleet card to Canada, as more of its U.S. customers have operations in both countries. WEX has grand global growth plans overall, fueled by expanding relations with such fuel companies as ExxonMobil.

Company Spotlight
MasterCard Rejects Sberbank’s Offer To Buy Maestro
May 23, 2014

According to a source close to the reported negotiations, Sberbank considered the possibility of buying the Maestro brand from MasterCard, but the latter refused to sell, reports the KyviPost. The news comes from the sidelines of St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. The rejected move by the...

B2B Payments
SaaS Solutions For Health Care Payments
May 23, 2014

Reducing the cost and time to e-enable health care payments is the sweet spot of many B2B solutions providers. New cloud-based technology is making it faster and easier than ever to provision test and development environments that help internal IT teams adapt new health care...

Guess What Folks, Does Not Take Bitcoin
May 23, 2014

Yes, we know what you've heard, but nope, Overstock doesn't take bitcoin as payment and never actually handles bitcoins at all. And, it's not just them. Merchants that accept bitcoin wallets don’t either. Confused? You should be. Luckily, economist David Evans isn't and after reading...

B2B Payments
What’s In A HealthCare Payments Bundle?
May 23, 2014

The Bundling and Coordinating Post-Acute Care (BACPAC) Act of 2014 (HR 4673) was introduced this week, and is designed to establish bundled payments for post-acute care services covered by Medicare. What does it mean for the health care payments business?

Visa and MasterCard CEOs Discuss EMV, Mobile and Russia
May 23, 2014

Visa and MasterCard have a lot to contend with these days. With use of mobile devices for payment increasing, EMV on the U.S. horizon, and Russia's demand to collect millions in collateral to let them continue operating in that country, many in payments wonder what...

Alternative Finances
Google Update Strips eBay of 80 Percent Of Its Best Listings
May 23, 2014

Google and eBay may be about to butt heads over the latest update to the Google search algorithm dubbed Panda. This is according to Larry Kim, CEO of search marketing company Wordstream, reports Business Insider. This will likely leave eBay feeling rather displeased toward Google, as eBay...

Merchant Innovation
Study: More Than Half Of mWallets Will Feature mPayments
May 23, 2014

Mobile-contactless payments have long been widely predicted to be on the verge of exploding, but the boom as of yet has not been felt in the marketplace. While we’ve heard it before, Juniper research predicts that soon we will all see it as well. In...

Exclusive Series
Data is Omnichannel’s Secret Weapon
May 22, 2014

Ah, yes, if only executing omnichannel were as easy as saying that it’s a priority! What makes omnichannel tricky is enabling a seamless, secure and easy retail experience across all channels, not just payment. While many claim to have found the “secret sauce” to enabling...