Payment Methods

Bitnet Launches As “New” Kind of Bitcoin Rails
May 20, 2014

What do a couple of ex-Visa/CyberSource guys see in bitcoin? Well, plenty, which is why they've launched Bitnet today. Bitnet will act as a third party mediator in vendor-consumer bitcoin transactions, taking what CEO John McDonnell says is the "mystery and risk" out of bitcoin...

Consumers Pay More When They Pay With Bitcoin
May 20, 2014

People who wanted to buy really bad stuff probably didn’t mind paying a premium to use bitcoin to do it. But, will the regular old mainstream consumer be as willing to pay more than the face value of the goods they are purchasing just to...

B2B Payments
HSBC Helping Chinese Firms With Foreign-Currency Management
May 20, 2014

New HSBC service is designed to provide greater convenience and transparency in foreign cash management. An undisclosed German company’s Chinese subsidiary will deliver HSBC’s product to firms within the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone.

B2B Payments
Growing Pains of E-Invoicing
May 20, 2014

Latin American countries are not usually thought of as payments technology, bellwethers. But, that all changed recently when the region surprised the world by being one of the first to mandate e-invoicing. Chile started the practice about a decade ago (albeit optional) and Brazil, Mexico...

Merchant Innovation
PayPal Will Feature Sneak Peak At “Shop” Function With Newly Redesigned User Experience
May 20, 2014

Long-time PayPal users may notice that something looks a little bit different when logging into their accounts to transact business. The online payments standard bearer announced a redesigned user experience on its blog last week, intended to help bring users of all kinds access to...

Square Plans to Enhance its Payments Platform
May 19, 2014 spoke with Square to find out if the recent announcements about Feedback and Square Order are signs for something bigger.

B2B Payments
GE Contracts With Tungsten For E-Invoicing Solution
May 19, 2014

General Electric has contracted with the Tungsten Network to roll out a a multi-year e-Invoicing program into every GE operation globally, according a a release earlier today. The partnership could involve potential invoice volumes of over 16 million per year. “Tungsten Network is accelerating its expansion, with...

Is the EMV Journey Worth the Price?
May 19, 2014

Several reports surfaced last week that reaffirmed what we’ve all suspected – rolling out EMV in the US is going to be a long slog that will optimistically take 5 years but more likely 10 to complete. That got MPD CEO Karen Webster to thinking,...

CEO Series
CEO Series: BlueSnap Takes Charge in Cross-Border Payments
May 19, 2014

In this installment of the PYMNTS CEO Series, Karen Webster speaks with Ralph Dangelmaier, CEO of BlueSnap, to learn his thoughts on payments innovation, how the industry is changing and more. Where does Dangelmaier believe young innovators should look for innovative ideas, and what advice...