Payments Innovation

Payments Innovation
Trustly Lays Out Vision for Open Banking at Retail
July 16, 2024

Open banking at retail — at the point of checkout — has the advantage of lowering the costs below traditional credit and debit options. Christina Potter, head of eCommerce at Trustly, told PYMNTSTV that paying by bank also has benefits for end consumers, tied to...

Payments Innovation
AI Unlocks Feedback Loop Between Payments Innovation and Customer Expectations
July 15, 2024

All the innovation in the world changes nothing if it fails to meet the needs of end-users. And against a backdrop where expectations around payments convenience, speed, security and, increasingly, personalization have never been more heightened, innovation within the payments space is vital to both...

Payments Innovation
Skipify’s Shrauger on Moving Past Wallets to Digital Identity as Payment Credentials
July 15, 2024

Consumers want what they want, how they want it. Consequently, when it comes to payments and commerce, businesses that can adapt to their needs and offer convenient ways to pay are best positioned to win in the long run. Case in point: digital wallets. The...

Payments Innovation
They Said That: Notable Quotables From the Week of July 8, 2024
July 12, 2024

PYMNTS reporters, analysts and writers do dozens of interviews every week to bring you the editorial package that is PYMNTS and PYMNTS Intelligence. While they all inform our coverage, some of them rise above the others in terms of candor and insight. With that spirit...

Payments Innovation
Discover: Tokenization Removes Friction for Card-Not-Present Transactions
July 10, 2024

Maybe there’s one bit of stolen digital information fraudsters can’t make use of: tokens. Calling them “the magic behind payments,” Valeri Vanourek, vice president of digital products at Discover® Global Network, told PYMNTS in an interview that tokenization is emerging as a double-duty asset for...

Payments Innovation
Gynger Raises $20 Million to Scale Embedded Financing Platform
June 20, 2024

Gynger has raised $20 million in a Series A funding round led by PayPal Ventures to support its embedded financing platform for technology purchases. The company will use the new funding to scale its team and operations and fuel its growth, according to a Thursday...

Payments Innovation
Why It’s Time for Corporates to Jump on the ISO 20022 Bandwagon
June 14, 2024

It might not get the amount of play that real-time payments, open banking and artificial intelligence get, but the global payments industry reached a milestone recently when the U.S. CHIPS network, one of the world’s largest dollar clearing systems, completed its migration to the ISO...

Payments Innovation
Trustly Inc. CEO Says Pay by Bank Is the Next-Gen ACH
June 13, 2024

It’s said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. If that’s the case, payments industry veteran and Trustly Inc. CEO Alex Gonthier should feel quite validated these days. While he is currently in charge of one of the leading proponents of open banking and...

Payments Innovation
Denim Gets $63M to Turn Freight Brokers Into ‘Smart’ Brokers Using Payments
June 10, 2024

For Bharath Krishnamoorthy, co-founder and CEO of Denim, transforming the freight industry — and specifically how brokers get paid — was not on the roadmap. A decade ago, when he was in law school, he told Karen Webster, “I didn’t know what factoring was. Trucks...