
Consumers Demand AI-Powered Expertise When Exploring New eCommerce Categories
April 23, 2024

When trying unfamiliar products online, consumers demand a high degree of expert, personalized guidance — the kind that they are used to getting in stores — and artificial intelligence (AI) can go a long way toward helping shoppers get over their initial hesitance. In an...

Express Files for Bankruptcy as Gen Z Shoppers Redefine Fast Fashion
April 22, 2024

With young consumers’ fashion habits rapidly evolving alongside quickly changing social media trends, Express has not been able to keep up. The fast-fashion company, which in addition to its self-titled retail chain also owns Bonobos and UpWest, announced Monday (April 22) that it has filed for...

Bite CEO: Self-Service Kiosks Meet Shopper Demand for Click-and-Mortar™ Retail
April 22, 2024

Consumers are demanding eCommerce-like convenience from their in-store journeys, and retailers are rising to the occasion with self-service technologies. In an interview with PYMNTS, Brandon Barton, CEO of self-service kiosk provider Bite, which recently raised $9 million in its Series A funding round, shared that the company,...

Levi’s Finds D2C Business Provides Greater Consumer Trend Insights
April 22, 2024

Levi Strauss has found that selling through its own stores gives it greater insights into consumer trends. The company’s D2C channels also allow it to test new products before making them available to wholesalers and reduce the uncertainty around dealing with wholesale customers like department stores, which have...

From Heineken’s Dumb Phone to T-Pain, ’00s Make a Comeback
April 20, 2024

From the rise of social networking to a more fractured media landscape to the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into daily life, the world looks very different now than it did in the ’00s, and brands are seizing on the opportunity to harken back to...

Shoppers May Ditch Preferred Merchants If Credit Card Surcharges Expand
April 19, 2024

With consumers struggling under ongoing financial challenges, many may find credit card surcharges to be the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back, leading them to be less loyal to favorite merchants. In PYMNTS’ Q1 eBook, “The Implications of Uncertainty,” which draws on advice and observations...

Brazil’s Click-and-Mortar™ Shoppers Underpin Pix and Instant Payments Growth
April 19, 2024

The rise of the Click-and-Mortar™ shopper in Brazil may give some tailwind to the use of Pix, the instant payment system that became operational in the country in late 2020. The data tell the story as to the platform’s use: As detailed by Brazil’s central...

Amazon-Walmart Rivalry for Consumer Retail Spend Turned in 2022
April 19, 2024

PYMNTS Intelligence has closely watched the two leading U.S. retail giants — Amazon and Walmart — duke it out since 2019, sharing our findings in regularly released reports. As our most recent edition of Whole Paycheck Report, “New Consumer Spend Data Finds Amazon Way Ahead...

Amazon and Walmart Race to Integrate Commerce and Content
April 19, 2024

As shopping and entertainment become increasingly intertwined, Amazon and Walmart are looking for new ways to drive sales via content. On Tuesday (April 16), Amazon Live announced a new interactive, shoppable channel called FAST Channel on Prime Video and Amazon Freevee, featuring the eCommerce giant’s “shop the show” technology, enabling viewers to shop and...