Security & Fraud

Security & Fraud
Advanced Tech and Data-Sharing Key Allies in Combating Sophisticated Fraud Scams
April 30, 2024

From safeguarding online purchases to strengthening eCommerce ecosystems, strong customer authentication (SCA) helps confirm remote electronic transactions, reshaping the digital commerce landscape. While its mandatory implementation in Europe has effectively curbed fraud stemming from the theft of customers’ credentials, a new report by the European Banking Authority (EBA) revealed a concerning trend....

Security & Fraud
UnitedHealth CEO Andrew Witty to Testify Before Congress on Cyberattack
April 29, 2024

UnitedHealth Group CEO Andrew Witty will testify before two Congressional committees Wednesday (May 1), addressing the cyberattack that hit the company’s Change Healthcare unit. The Senate hearing is titled “Hacking America’s Health Care: Assessing the Change Healthcare Cyber Attack and What’s Next,” while the House hearing is called “Examining the Change Healthcare Cyberattack.”...

Security & Fraud
Spike in Identity Fraud Forces Banks to Embrace Innovation
April 23, 2024

To the hammer of a bad actor, everything vulnerable looks like a nail. And with the rise of sophisticated fraud techniques, organizations like financial institutions that are operating within security-critical sectors are increasingly faced with the daunting task of safeguarding against a shifting mix of...

Security & Fraud
Air Travelers Help Fuel $2 Trillion Global Money Laundering System
April 21, 2024

Each year, money launders funnel $2 trillion in ill-gotten gains into the financial system. And a lot of that money travels by air, in cash, often in people’s suitcases, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported Sunday (April 21). The report cited figures from the United...

Security & Fraud
Senators Press Banks for Better Defenses Against Wire Fraud
April 19, 2024

The looming specter of wire fraud has spurred lawmakers to press big banks for better defenses against bad actors — and a detailing of the impact the scams have had on consumers. On Thursday (April 18), in a letter to the CEOs of JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Citi, Sens. Sherrod Brown,...

Security & Fraud
German Agency Criticizes EY’s Audits of Wirecard
April 19, 2024

A German regulator has reportedly concluded that EY’s audit work and quality control regarding the now-defunct payments firm Wirecard was marked by “grave” and “repeated” violations of professional duties. The regulator, Apas, said this in a review that was published Friday (April 19) and ended a multiyear...

Security & Fraud
UnitedHealth Reports Processing Issues at Change Healthcare
April 18, 2024

Change Healthcare’s troubles are apparently not over. The company, which is owned by UnitedHealth, said Thursday (April 18) it had fixed an issue that had hindered medical claims processing for some customers, per a report by Reuters. According to that report, a fix had been found...

Security & Fraud
Cognizant and FICO to Launch Real-Time Payments Fraud Prevention Solution
April 17, 2024

Cognizant and FICO plan to launch a cloud-based real-time payments fraud prevention solution designed for North American banks and other payment service providers. The joint offering would leverage both firms’ artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies, the companies said in a Wednesday (April 17) press release....

Security & Fraud
43% of eCommerce Execs Say Two-Factor Authentication Can Mitigate Fraud
April 17, 2024

It’s imperative for eCommerce merchants serving international markets to be able to complete frictionless cross-border transactions. However, since these merchants must also fend off fraudsters, they must find and employ fraud prevention tools that do not disrupt consumer transactions.  When compiling “Fraud Management in Online...