Security & Fraud

Cardinal Commerce eCommerce Technology Granted U.S. Patent
March 10, 2014

07 March 2014 The technology that powers Cardinal Commerce’s latest expansion of its Universal Merchant Platform is now patent-protected in the United States. The Universal Merchant Platform allows for the secure processing of customer information in ecommerce transactions. “This new patent shows Cardinal’s Customers that,...

CEO Series
Will The Target Breach Kill Branded Debit Cards?
January 08, 2014

With the Target breach still clearly visible in the rearview mirror, the payments space is beginning to ask the toughest question of all: Where do we go from here? As Market Platform Dynamics CEO Karen Webster explained in a recent commentary, it’s a “huge, huge...

Breach Round Up
Does The Target Breach Mean Death Bells For Mag-Stripes?
January 05, 2014

Target confirmed a massive data breach on Thursday that rocked the payments world at the busiest time of the year in commerce. Initial estimates suggest the breach compromised the names, credit card numbers, debit card numbers, expiration dates and CVVs of more than 40 million...

Karen Webster
PYMNTS Prophecies: Eight 2013 Predictions Reviewed
December 27, 2013

Despite the rise of big data, the cloud and the countless other electronic innovations looking to tap into our collective brainpower, predictions remained as difficult to get right as ever in 2013. For every no-brainer like the rise of consumer mobile smartphone and tablet use,...

Alternative Finances
Payments Execs Forecast Trends For Year Ahead
December 26, 2013

As the last days of 2013 come to a close, payments firms across the country are busy reflecting on the experience they’ve gained to best position their strategies for the future while avoiding the issues that have dogged them in the past. Of course, payments...

Company Profile
4 Signs Your Fraud Protection Needs An Omnichannel Upgrade
December 17, 2013

The payments industry lost more than $11 billion to fraud in 2012, and that figure is only expected to rise as fraud migrates to less secure channels in the wake of EMV adoption in the U.S. But the figure that we don’t know, the far...

Media Center
SecureBuy Slashes Royalties For 3-D Secure MPI
November 18, 2013

Mississippi-based payment fraud prevention specialist SecureBuy has announced plans to donate access to its SecureBuy 2.0, 3-D Secure MPI to online retailers through a 10-year royalty-free license, a press release revealed on November 19. Best known as Verified by Visa, MasterCard SecureCode and American Express...

INSIDE Secure To Protect Loop Mobile Wallet
October 09, 2013

INSIDE Secure, based in France, announced yesterday that it will offer “security hardware, software and payments industry expertise” to mobile commerce platform provider Loop, according to an INSIDE Secure press release. INSIDE Secure’s VaultSEcure element will allow Loop to use payment card data storage for...

mPayments Trust: Google or Facebook?
August 17, 2011

Familiarity breeds trust, it seems, especially when it comes to mobile payments. By now, everyone and his mother-in-law has seen last week’s survey results touting Visa, MasterCard and AmEx as the top three trusted brands when it comes to mobile payments, with PayPal posting a...