Karen Webster

Karen Webster
What’s More Valuable – A Buy Button Or a Digital Wallet?
July 13, 2015

Mobile payments is becoming a pretty messy space. One might argue that it’s been a hot mess ever since the massive proliferation of mobile payments schemes began a few years ago, targeted mainly to convert mobile phone-toting consumers into mobile phone-paying consumers at the physical...

Want To Meet A Few Of The “Payments Revolutionaries” Who’ve Changed Payments?
July 06, 2015

Last Saturday, America celebrated the 239th anniversary of the outcome that these revolutionaries fought for: independence from the King, But the payments ecosystem is rife with its own “revolutionaries,” visionaries fighting for independence from a status quo that they believe is or was too limiting...

The Dangers of Listening To Consumers
June 29, 2015

In 1999, 92 percent of consumers said that they didn’t trust that their data was secure when transacting online. Sixteen years later, that percentage has hardly budged. Yet eCommerce and mobile commerce is exploding everywhere. MPD CEO Karen Webster has a theory and some advice...

Karen Webster
Are Card Networks Tomorrow’s Ad Platforms?
June 22, 2015

Card-linked offers have been singularly unimpressive as a category. They’ve been around for years and raised a ton of capital, but have failed to turn the heads of merchants or consumers. MPD CEO Karen Webster says that two things could change that – mobile phones...

What Mobile Wallets And Smartphone Cameras Now Have In Common
June 15, 2015

Apple and Google Android have just recast mobile wallets as smartphone utilities – putting them in the same category as cameras, maps, weather, the app store and any other app that comes preloaded on their smartphones. Not every mobile wallet, of course, just theirs.

The Most Frequently Asked Question About Mobile Payments
June 08, 2015

“Are we there yet,” though, is shorthand for “When will all of the time and money and investments we’ve made in mobile payments actually pay off?” The person most likely to pose that question is the CEO who’s been hearing “20xx is the year mobile...

Why Android Pay Isn’t Really About Payments At All
June 01, 2015

To no one’s great surprise, we added another “Pay” player to payments last week. Android Pay threw its hat into the mobile payments ring as the “other” operating systems-based payments scheme to launch in less than a year. Apple Pay, as is old news by...

The CFPB, PrePaid Cards And Protecting Consumers To Death
May 26, 2015

So here’s a question. When is a prepaid card actually a credit card? Here’s an answer: When the CFPB says so. The CFPB recently released nearly 900 pages of proposed rule changes for prepaid products which would reclassify some prepaid products as credit products. That...

The “Why” Behind Google Buy
May 18, 2015

Remember the piece I wrote last week about whether payments can save the Internet ad giants? Well, it appears that Google not only thinks it can, but is doing something about it. Google announced on Friday evening that it is turning the World Wide Web...