The debilitating disease that plagues many companies is the dreaded, ‘failure to communicate’ disorder. A new rollout from Fiorano Software, Fiorano B2B Gateway, was designed to help users securely transact business and enable real-time information exchange and avoid succumbing to a bout of the sickness.
Fiorano a provider of enterprise integration middleware, high performance messaging and distributed systems, released Fiorano B2B Gateway as an enterprise-level B2B Gateway. The service helps business transact electronically with customers, trading partners and distributors worldwide. It also supports the exchange of business documents and automates cross-company processes and B2B transactions including purchase orders, requisitions and invoices.
The platform is built on a scalable ESB architecture and works with all major transport and business protocols with data formats including XML, EDI and flat files. Fiorano enables real-time information exchange across businesses.
Use cases and features include:
Trading Partner Management
- Administrative capabilities to on-board B2B partners. For each partner profile, users can configure security certificates, all supported transports, business agreements, backend databases, document routing information and more.
- Web-based, remote access tools with role-based access extend administrative tasks for the partner community to participating trading partners. Partners can manage their profiles and track their B2B activity.
Documents, Protocols and Messaging
- Supports major industry-standard transports, including HTTP, HTTPs, FTP, FTPs, SOAP over HTTP, JMS and File. Business protocol support includes AS1, AS2 ebXML and EDI, among others. Messaging and business protocols can be defined at the Partner level.
- Support for multiple encryption standards including AES-256 and RC-128. Document validation via digital signatures with support for RSA-SHA1, RSA-SHA256/384/512.
Transactional Visibility
- Users can monitor, search and track all transactions and messages across the extended supply chain via the in-built, message-warehouse provided by the underlying Fiorano ESB.
- Edit message headers and payloads and re-play messages/transactions on-demand.
Mapping, Translation and Back-End Integration
- Graphically configure business documents to any format via the extensive XML/XSLT and other transformation capabilities provided by the underlying ESB.
- Integrate B2B processes with enterprise backend processes and data sources via the Fiorano ESB and the suite of Fiorano adapters.
Rules-based Document Processing
- Process incoming documents using an “event process” architecture of the underlying Fiorano ESB; options for scheduling, polling and more.
- Configure alerts based on multiple parameters for exception processing.
For the past decade Fiorano has identified by analysts as one of the “visionaries” vendors whose products provide features addressing the needs of systematic application-to-application, B2B and cloud-based application integration.